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Citation and Works Cited

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1 Citation and Works Cited

2 There will be 4 quotes in your essay
(2 in each body paragraph) All quotes must be: Embedded and Cited!!!! (in a sentence and have the author and pg number)

3 Let’s get this party started…
When using a quote, always cite where it came from. To cite: Signal phrase+“Insert quote here” (Parentheses). PERIOD is always AFTER the parentheses!

4 In-text Citations with One Author from a book or article:
Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263). Have author’s last name and page number the quote came from. If there is no page number, leave it out.

5 In-text Citations for Print Sources with No Known Author
We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has “more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensive programs to monitor and study environmental change ” (“Impact of Global Warming” 6). Use an abbreviated title of the article (first three words of title) and page number

6 Citing a Work by Multiple Authors
The authors state "Tighter gun control in the United States erodes Second Amendment rights" (Moore, Smith, and Yang, 76). List all author’s last names in alphabetical order and include the page number.

7 Shortening Quotes you Want to Use:
Ellipses are three dots { } to indicate you have eliminated some words from the quotation. Note that there is a space between each dot.

8 Works Cited!

9 Works Cited Remember: It should ONLY list the sources you CITED/ QUOTED in your paper (HENCE THE TITLE) YOU SHOULD HAVE 1 INTERNET SOURCES CITED AND 1 BOOK= 2 IN ALL!!! (This is the minimum required!!!) It MUST be alphabetized All works are indented on the 2nd line! It is the LAST page of your paper It goes on its VERY OWN PAGE

10 Works Cited Example: Bad!
This is NOT MLA format!!!!--- This is a web address, not a citation Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1961. This NOT MLA format!!!!--- Lee needs to be flushed to the left and New York should be indented!!!

11 Works Cited: Good!!! Weiss, Phillip. "Parodies Regained."
Auerbach, Nina. “Daphne du Maurier.” British Writers Supp. 3; 1996, TheScribner Writers Series. Gale. Austin High School-Sugar Land FBISD. 17 Feb < Correct MLA format!!! Weiss, Phillip. "Parodies Regained." Time 21 March 1994: 46. Correct MLA format and alphabetized!!!

12 Things to remember: Your essay is 4 paragraphs!
Introduction 2 body paragraphs Conclusion The ONLY other place you can have a quote is in your attention getter (first line of your essay) You will upload your essay to

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