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Chapter 1-10 Test Review Shaffer History. Bound by legal agreement to work for another in return for instruction in a trade Answer: Apprentice.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1-10 Test Review Shaffer History. Bound by legal agreement to work for another in return for instruction in a trade Answer: Apprentice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1-10 Test Review Shaffer History

2 Bound by legal agreement to work for another in return for instruction in a trade Answer: Apprentice

3 Person who measures and maps land Answer: Surveyor

4 Something that stands for or suggests something else Answer: symbol

5 Nobleman; hereditary title granted by the English king Answer: baronet

6 Derogatory names given to the Americans by the British Answer: Colonials

7 Publication of statements that slander or wrongfully damage another's reputation Answer: Libel

8 Negative, hurtful symbols used to describe or attack a particular group of people Answer: stereotype

9 Native American administrative chief Answer: Sachem

10 Young militia officer sent to force the French to leave Fort Duquesne Answer: George Washington

11 English general under whom George Washington served in the French and Indian War Answer: Edward Braddock

12 Printer tried for seditious libel in 1735; his case established precedent for freedom of the press Answer: John peter Zenger

13 Skilled Philadelphia lawyer who defended John Peter Zenger Answer: Andrew Hamilton

14 One of the colonial wars fought between France and England for control of North America Answer: War of Jenkins’ Ear

15 Last in a series of colonial wars to determine the supremacy of France or England in North America Answer: French and Indian war

16 Great charter that English barons forced King John to sign in 1215 that protected the rights and property of English citizens Answer: Magna Carta

17 Colonial conference held to solve the problem of French and Indian power and secure the Iroquois as allies of the English Answer: Albany congress

18 English colonist greatly respected by the Native Americans Answer: William johnson- warraghiyagey

19 Answer: Degonwadonti – Molly Brant Mohawk clan matron educated in European ways

20 Mohawk sachem who visited England with other Indian leaders Answer: Tiyanoga- Hendrick

21 Colonial leader at the Albany Congress who proposed a plan to unite the colonies in dealing with the French and Indians Answer: Benjamin Franklin

22 French-built fort near present-day Pittsburgh Answer: Fort Duquesne

23 Site of a French fort where a small army of Native Americans and colonists defeated the French Answer: Lake George

24 Fort built by George Washington on low ground Answer: Fort Necessity

25 Site of deciding battle in the French and Indian War, won by the British Answer: Quebec, Canada

26 Inciting rebellion against the state Answer: Seditious

27 Power used without considering others Answer: Arbitrary Power

28 Other name used for the English Answer: British

29 Six nations of the Iroquois that united for protection against their enemies Answer: Iroquois Confederacy

30 British foreign secretary who provided the strategic plan and the soldiers, materials, and financial resources to win the French and Indian War in North America Answer: William Pitt

31 British commander who brought about English victories at Louisbourg and Montreal and top military commander in America after the French and Indian War who was recalled to England due to his Indian policies Answer: General Jeffrey Amhurst

32 British commander who won the battle for Quebec Answer: General James Wolfe

33 French commander who lost the battle for Quebec Answer: Marquis de Montcalm

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