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Read the “Analyzing a Political Cartoon” Handout Use Do Now Slot #1 to analyze this cartoon –Follow the three analysis steps at the end of the handout.

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Presentation on theme: "Read the “Analyzing a Political Cartoon” Handout Use Do Now Slot #1 to analyze this cartoon –Follow the three analysis steps at the end of the handout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the “Analyzing a Political Cartoon” Handout Use Do Now Slot #1 to analyze this cartoon –Follow the three analysis steps at the end of the handout 1

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4 4

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11 Analyze the causes of the French and Indian War Identify the spark that starts the French and Indian War Evaluate the first years of the French and Indian War 11

12 Evaluate how GB wins the French & Indian War Analyze the ESP effects of the French & Indian War on American society and American-British relations 12

13 1.War of the Grand Alliance (1688-1697) –AKA King William’s War 2.War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714) –AKA Queen Anne’s War 3.War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) –AKA King George’s War 4.7 Years War (1756-1763) –AKA French and Indian War 13 Always GB (& allies) vs France (& allies)

14 3.1754 - 1763 4.Opponents… 5.How did each country settle their land? 14

15 One of the first political cartoons in US history is made 15

16 You and the partner next to you are to analyze the cartoon by answering the two questions provided. Use the space around the cartoon to write comments and analysis. Make sure you and your partner have different colored pens. Draw arrows between comments, so that the flow of the discussion is displayed. No arrows = Partial Credit Only one person can write at a time 16

17 1.What important details do you notice in this cartoon? What do they mean? Why are they included? 2.What “idea” is this cartoon a metaphor for? How does the cartoon display the “idea?”

18 What is the plan? What was it based on? Why was it rejected? Why is it important? 18

19 19

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21 3.1754 - 1763 4.Opponents… 5.How did each country settle their land? 21

22 French British 22

23 Land (specifically?) Beaver fur trade monopoly –Why? –w/whom? 23

24 1754…GW is ambushed 1755, Braddock Expedition 24

25 Almost gets shotAlmost gets shot 2 horses get shot2 horses get shot 25

26 26 Behind me is the fort (& eventual city) that GB wanted…

27 27

28 28

29 29 One major reason why?

30 Prime Minister William Pitt (elder) took control of army in 1757 –GB takes French fort Duquesne and names it? Financed war (2 ways) –Borrowed $$$ –Taxed… Creates 2 new policies w/colonies  30

31 1.Impressment –British Gov forced colonists to join the army and navy… 2.Take stuff –Supplies from colonists –Lodging… 31 Will we pay the colonists back?

32 What are we upset about?

33 GB eases off the colonists –If British take supplies or stay in colonist’s home… –Who will recruit soldiers in the colonies? 33

34 Take French fort one after another Push French North to Canada to… Take Quebec in 1759 34

35 Between GB, France and Spain Map of North America before the French & Indian War  35

36 Map of North America after F&I War  What do you see? 36

37 Native Americans (Wabanaki) who joined the French 37

38 France =  We will/must get REVENGE!! 38

39 –Gain important land… Ohio & Caribbean too! –GB has a major  problem now –GB is angry with someone… 39

40 GB felt colonists didn’t fight well (that’s not what we thought  ) GB felt colonists didn’t give much $$$ contribution to war GB felt colonists were sneaky… –Traded with French during the war (parents analogy) 40

41 Why be worried? –Friction between… –Who is taking/losing power in the colonies? GB army = overrated Excited too… 41

42 Needs $$$ from all of these wars Who will resist taxes after the F&I War? (why?) 42

43 Can’t rule colonies so casually anymore –no more following this policy… Will this be easy to do to the colonists? 43

44 Needs $$$ from all of these wars Who will resist taxes after the F&I War? (why?) Where do you go for $$$ now? 44

45 45

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