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Homework Group #2 Group #1 Great Fear & March on Versailles

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Group #2 Group #1 Great Fear & March on Versailles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Group #2 Group #1 Great Fear & March on Versailles
(What started the fear, who marched on versailles, what was the result, date) Storming of the Bastille (Why it was stormed, what was the result, way was this significant, date) Group #4 Constitutional monarchy, radicalism and the Jacobins (What is a constitutional monarchy, why was it ended, how did radicalism take over, who are the Jacobins, dates) Group #3 War with Austria & Prussia (What reasons did Austria and Prussia have for attacking France, why were all kings rooting for them, what was the result, date)

2 Robespierre takes over, death of the king, Committee of Public safety
Group #5 Group #6 Robespierre takes over, death of the king, Committee of Public safety (How did Robespierre take over, What was the king’s death like, why was the kings death a important for all of europe, what was the real purpose of the committee, dates) Reign of Terror Death of Robespierre (Why was this period in the revolution called the Reign of Terror, who was being killed and why, why was Robespierre eventually put to death, dates) You will be doing a presentation Thursday so you might want to print out pictures.

3 Revolution and Terror

4 We’re not leaving until there is a constitution!!
What they came up with was called the Declaration of the Rights of Man

5 This document would lay forth the basic rights of each French Citizen
This document would lay forth the basic rights of each French Citizen. Strangely within the same week the US Bill of Rights were being drawn up and approved by the government. These two document came from the same period, from the same Enlightenment ideas and in many ways are similar...but are in many other ways different.

6 Both partners should have their own T-chart
You and a partner will examine these two documents and find similarities and differences between the two. Both partners should have their own T-chart similarities Differences Pay close attention to how these rights are worded. Do they leave room for interpretation?

7 In your response questions section answer these two questions.
Which document is better? Explain why? What problems with the Rights of Man might lead to problems later on for the revolution and the people?

8 Please take out your homework
Each group will compare notes on their topics. As a group you will then prepare a short presentation to do in front of the class (you may include pictures if you bring them in, make a poster, draw on the board, make a power point, or simply talk) it’s up to you how you do this. You must get the information across to the class clearly, and include major event, dates, etc. These presentations will be done at the beginning of class on Thursday.

9 You will set your paper up like this.
Robespierre Committee of Public Safety, death of King Louis XVI Great Fear/ March on Versailles Constitutional monarchy, radicalism, Jacobins War with Prussia and Austria Storm the Bastille Reign of Terror Death of Robespierre 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794

10 Storming the Bastille

11 The Great Fear March on Versailles

12 War with Prussia and Austria

13 Radicalism and the Jacobins
Constitutional Monarchy

14 The execution of King Louis XVI
Robespierre and the Committee of public safety The execution of King Louis XVI

15 Execution of Robespierre
The Reign of Terror Execution of Robespierre

16 *Was the Reign of terror Justified?*
The early years of the french revolution saw a new and exciting period for french equality. The 1000 year “Old Regime” was brought to an end, the king lost most of his power with agreement to a Constitutional Monarchy, a elected assembly created laws, and a bill of rights was established. During the Reign of Terror it was said that some of this progress needed to be given up in order to protect the revolution. *Was the Reign of terror Justified?* Include at least two references to the documents, one to the Declaration of the rights of man, one to the movie.

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