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A Radical Revolution Chapter 11, Section 2. Radical Background _____________ held Louis XVI captive – Demanded suspension of monarchy and called for a.

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1 A Radical Revolution Chapter 11, Section 2

2 Radical Background _____________ held Louis XVI captive – Demanded suspension of monarchy and called for a national convention – Led by _____________ Convention occurs in September of 1792 Commune wanted a new government and to draft a new constitution – Last was drafted and approved in 1791

3 Fate of a King The National Convention consisted of young, Enlightenment-era men – First step – abolish the monarchy and set up a Republic What happens to the king? – Split into 2 factions _____________ – Mostly people outside the cities, wanted to keep Louis XVI alive _____________ – Mostly inside the cities, wanted Louis XVI dead January 21, 1793, Louis XVI is beheaded – New enemies created both at home and abroad

4 A Response to Crises Within France – Western France and major cities across France refuse to listen to National Convention – _____________, the local government in Paris, favored the radical change and encouraged more radical moves Outside France – Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch Republic take up arms in response to Louis XVI’s death – Ready to invade by mid 1793 Response? – _____________ formed 12 members with power over military, judicial and legislative branches Headed by Georges Danton and then Maximilien Robespierre

5 The Reign of Terror Focus on France – Revolutionary armies set up to crush rebellion – Clergy and Nobles – 15% of those killed, Commoners – 85% – Committee of Public safety claimed this was best for France Lyon and Nantes – Thousands killed to “set an example” for rebels – Guillotine used as primary source of execution

6 Republic of Virtue Committee of Public Safety hoped to create a new order in France – _____________ would be modeled after ancient Rome – A democratic republic composed of “good citizens” Drastic changes – Wanted a primary education – Slavery abolished in colonies – Price limits on goods – Policy of dechristianization Removing saintly names Adoption of a new calendar

7 A Rising Force Threat of invasion from most of Europe – Not happy about execution of Louis XVI August 1793 - Committee of Public Safety decrees a universal mobilization of the nation – Within a year, over 1 million troops in France Push back the invading European nations, even taking the Austrian Netherlands

8 The End of Terror _____________, despite having defeated foreign and home enemies, continued the Reign of Terror – Continued to promise the Republic of Virtue would soon follow July 1794 – National Convention decides to act, votes to kill _____________ Reign of Terror slowly came to a halt

9 The Directory A new constitution is written in August 1795 – Committee power reduced, most policies removed _____________ formed – Lower House (Council of 500) proposes legislation – Upper House (Council of Elders) accepts or rejects legislation Electors, or individuals qualified to vote, chose legislators Council of Elders chose The Directory from a list of candidates provided by the Council of 500 Directory held power until 1799 – Radicals and Royalists led by _____________ perform a coup d’etat, or overthrow of the government

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