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US History Chapter 9 Section 2. Inspired by the American Revolution, French people rebel against their government and demand liberty and equality. …The.

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1 US History Chapter 9 Section 2

2 Inspired by the American Revolution, French people rebel against their government and demand liberty and equality. …The revolution became violent. Thousands of citizens were massacred, and King Louis XVI was executed. 1792-1793

3 …Eventually France went to war with Britain, Holland, and Spain. What did this war mean for the United States? This put the US in an awkward position. The US traded with Britain, but France was an ally during the American Revolution. Because of this, Washington declared the US remain Neutral - not siding with either country. We would be “friendly and impartial” to both sides. The British made it hard for the US to remain neutral because they seized American cargo. Washington sent chief justice John Jay to England to ask them to give up forts in the Northwest Territory. Native Americans were set up with British at the forts…

4 Battle of Fallen Timbers Americans defeated 2,000 Native Americans to gain control of the NORTHWEST TERRITORY in the Ohio River Valley. Washington believed the Northwest Territory was critical for security growth of the new nation 1794

5  Part of Hamilton’s financial plan was a tax on whiskey.  Farmers became outraged because whiskey and the grain used to make it were important products. The farmers began to rebel.  In an effort to show the government’s authority, Washington sent 13,000 soldiers to Pennsylvania to put down the uprising. 1794

6 Jay’s Treaty  John Jay convinced the British to sign a treaty to agree to pay damages for the American ships they had seized. Pinckney’s Treaty  A treaty with Spain that allowed the US to travel up and down the Mississippi River (the Spanish own this area of land). 1795

7 After 2 terms, Washington gives his farewell address. He warns the nation to stay unified and to stay away from political parties. He also urged the US to stay neutral when it came to foreign policy. 1797

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