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Ophthalmic Payments National User Group Meeting 2 nd July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Ophthalmic Payments National User Group Meeting 2 nd July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ophthalmic Payments National User Group Meeting 2 nd July 2009

2 Closed Change Requests 2981 Newcastle, CSV option within Post Payment Checks reports 6 th February 2009 2986 Dudley, Preset list box for domiciliary visit reasons on Pre Notify Visits 12 th February2009 2740 Stockport, Permit practitioner name reuse 3 rd March 2009

3 Closed Change Requests 2992 Birmingham, Parameter to allow warning on input of individual GOS claim if claim is inappropriate to the contractor 18 th May 2009 2838 Kent, Email payment statements 11 th June 2009

4 Open Change Requests 2742 Dorset (on hold for discussion today) Batched Additional Services claims 2851 Hampshire (on pilot but requires further discussion today) Improve linking of pre- notification lists to residential homes 3084 DudleyRetain practice code for entry of next individual claim 3092 SuffolkClaims user role to include pre-notification premises details

5 Open Change Requests 3105 KentPrivate Sight Test statements, including email option 3106 KentStatement adjustment fields (+/-) for Glaucoma 3110 LancashireSubmission date shown for batches when approving/rejecting electronic claims 3122 BirminghamFrequency of re-test reason report to include sub-setting by practice

6 Open Change Requests 3123 CambridgeSelect payment cycle when using EC batch approval 3124 LASCA6 more local enhanced service codes 3125 LASCABatched Additional Services claims

7 Batched Additional Service claims CR 2742 Questions –Is there someone from Dorset present ? –Is there enough support from you to prioritise this change request ? –Do you wish to reject it ?

8 Import Pre-notification details CR 2851 Pilot at Hampshire –Started on 13 th February 2009 Pilot has raised some issues and questions

9 Import Pre-notification details CR 2851 Issues –Usage of at least 6 different forms None of them complete for import process Other data item issues –Involvement of Domi Eye Care Committee

10 Import Pre-notification details CR 2851 Questions –Is there enough support from you to complete this change request –Agreement to use standard form –Ask CfH to build new form based on official form to enable import process

11 Proposed import form

12 Electronic Statements CR 2838 Setup Sending electronic statements NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility Available downloads

13 Electronic Statements CR 2838 Setup –Sending email address Set email address for your Payment Authority –Practice email address & password Practitioner electronic claims settings Sending payment statements –All statement reports (email option)

14 Electronic Statements Sending email address

15 Electronic Statements Practice email & password

16 Electronic Statements Sending emails

17 Electronic Statements CR 2838 NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility –All electronic statements are encrypted –A practice can use our decrypt utility for free but –Agrees to terms & conditions of use

18 Electronic Statements CR 2838 Available downloads –User guide –FAQs –NHS Ophthalmic Payments Decrypt Utility Overview & file –NHS Ophthalmic Payments Decrypt Utility terms & conditions of use

19 Electronic Links Project Phase I - Activity Details –175 activation requests processed –156 active stores –92 stores using automatic process –64 PCTs –33 payment agencies

20 Electronic Links Project Phase I - Claims Volumes –Period May 2007 – July 2009 611,618 manual approvals 704,011 automatic approvals 1,370,058 total claims

21 Electronic Links Project Phase II – GOS3, GOS4 & GOS5 –NHS development completed for April 2009 –Ocuco have sent test GOS3, GOS4 & GOS5 claims for processing –No supplier asked to be accredited to submit GOS3, GOS4 or GOS5 claims

22 Electronic Links Project Best Practice –Specsavers IT guide published by end July 2009 –NHS CfH published advice on possible duplicates

23 Electronic Links Project Possible Duplicates –More individual GOS1 claims stored –More possible duplicate claims identified –Raised questions regarding the GOS Regulations when a patient is tested and advised otherwise on their previous sight test date

24 Electronic Links Project Possible Duplicates –DoH response: providing that the sight test is done in good faith, claim should be paid a matter of judgement locally as to whether the PCT thinks the patient was deceptive or mistaken and then whether they want to pursue

25 Electronic Links Project Possible Duplicates –Electronic Processing changes for possible duplicates: Improve validation checks to enable PCT to control how to proceed on each possible duplicate claim Listing screen updated to show possible duplicate claims separately

26 Electronic Links Project Accreditation –Optix first Optix pilot site active on 7 th July 2009 (Collison’s)

27 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments New LHBs commence on 1 st October 2009 Implemented within Ophthalmic system during October 2009 –following final September / October payment within each Paying Organisation –1 day migration process

28 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments LHB Migration Data menu –Practitioner Reference List –Supplementary Reference List –Migration Details Menu to be removed once migration completed

29 LHB Migration Data menu

30 Practitioner Reference List

31 Practitioner Reference Edit

32 New LHB Organisations

33 Practitioner Reference Edit

34 Supplementary Reference List

35 LHB Migration Details

36 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments Time table –Migration Data menu active 15 th July –LHBs to complete migration reference data by 7 th September 2009 –Proposed migration date BT LHBs – 7 th October IM LHBs – 14 th October NW LHBs – 12 th October

37 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments Prior to processing the Monthly Cleardown for payment Sept – Oct –If your LHB codes are changing, contact the National Help Desk (01392 251289) –Raise a Priority 1 call, requesting further advice regarding your LHB migration and next payment cycle –Do not execute the Monthly Cleardown process for payment Sept – Oct

38 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments Prior to processing the Monthly Cleardown for payment Sept – Oct –Do not open another payment cycle for the next payment (Oct – Nov) –Await further instruction from the Ophthalmic Payments team regarding the processing of your LHB migration and your next payment cycle

39 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments Issues –Migrating Mobile Practices –Duplicate Local Practitioner Codes –Exeter BP screen is not affected by restructuring and is available to use for payment of September / October payment

40 LHB Restructuring & Ophthalmic Payments Issues –Access to archive information use View Old Organisations Only to access this information using the menus not all menu functions are available to old organisations

41 Organisation contact details Requested at last OPUG meeting 22 nd January 2009 –Activated on 28 th April 2009 121 organisations with missing details –On 1 st July 2009 15 organisations with missing details

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