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Session 1 Mind/Body Modalities By Jennifer Kitchen July 1, 2013.

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1 Session 1 Mind/Body Modalities By Jennifer Kitchen July 1, 2013

2 “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippocrates The Staff of Asclepius The Hippocratic Oath (Tyson, 2001) (Blayney, 2005) 2

3 Overview Mind and Body Connection Stress Relaxation Meditation Talk therapy 3

4 The Mind/Body Connection  Philosophies and Beliefs Throughout the Ages Healing by “tapping the Natural Forces” Dreams give clairvoyance A spiritual center within each human being The mind rules over the body (Micozzi, 2011) 4

5 The Mind/Body Connection  Fundamental Tenets of Mind/Body Medicine Concept of treating the whole person Patients are active participants By managing own mental processes patients ○ may prevent disease ○ shorten course of disease (Micozzi, 2011) 5

6 The Mind/Body Connection A person has a body and a mind. Bodies are intact, damaged, or destroyed. Minds are active, impaired, or inactive. (Gordon and Hobbs, 2011) 6

7 Stress  “The Rate of Wear and Tear on the Body” People respond to stress Emotionally Mentally Physically (Micozzi, 2011) 7

8 Stress  Causes of Stress Change Challenges Frustrations Conflicting demands Loss and grief Suffering (Micozzi, 2011) 8

9 Stress  “Fight or Flight Response” Accelerated heartbeat Most blood vessels constrict Blood vessels in the skeletal muscle dilate Digestion decreases Body sweat increases Epinephrine secretion increases (Thibodeau and Patton, 2008) 9

10 Stress  Stress Management Techniques Relaxation Meditation Talk therapy 10

11 Relaxation  Ways to Reach Relaxation Meditation Yoga Progressive Relaxation Hypnosis (Micozzi, 2011) 11

12 Relaxation  Four Common Elements of Relaxation Quiet environment Focus (object, visualization, breath) Passive attitude Comfortable position (Micozzi, 2011) 12

13 Relaxation  Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Tense up a specific muscle Then relax the same muscle Works by working through a sequence of body parts Train your body to respond differently to stress (Center for Clinical Interventions, n.d.) 13

14 Meditation  Mind and Body are One Meditation is used to Realign the mind and body Create a harmonious mind/body interaction Relieve stress on the body and the mind (Micozzi, 2011) 14

15 Meditation  Common Objective of Meditation Still the restlessness of the mind Inward focus to heal and stay healthy  Types of Meditation Transcendental Meditation (TM) Mindfulness (Micozzi, 2011) 15

16 Meditation  The Benefits of Meditation Relieve symptoms of chronic pain Better control of alpha rhythms Better focus Cultivation of internal awareness Better control of stress (Trafton, 2011) 16

17 Talk Therapy  Why we talk… “Talking things out” assists in finding solutions To strengthen relationships Helps maintain good mental health  Being listened to Allows a person to feel cared about (Mental Health Foundation, 2009) 17

18 Talk Therapy  Many Kinds of Talk Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Psychodynamic therapy Humanistic therapy (Mental Health Foundation, 2009) 18

19 Talk Therapy  A Good Therapist Listens and values the individual Assists them in learning to change Challenges negative thoughts Reinforces positive thoughts (Mental Health Foundation, 2009) 19

20 Questions 20

21 Time to Relax 21

22 References  Blayney, K., (2005). The Caduceus vs. the Staff of Asclepius. Retrieved from  Gordon, A.S. and Hobbs, J.R., (2011). A Commonsense Theory of Mind-Body Interaction. interaction.pdf interaction.pdf  Mental Health Foundation, (2009). Talking therapies explained. Retrieved from _therapies_explained.pdf _therapies_explained.pdf  Micozzi, M.S., (2011). Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (fourth edition). Missouri; Saunders Elsevier.  Trafton, A., (2011). The Benefits of Meditation; MIT and Harvard neuroscientists explain why the practice helps tune out distractions and relieve pain.  Tyson, P. (2001). The Hippocratic Oath Today. 22

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