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Examples Scottish Summers Day. Example 1 ~ #4 p79  Soil erosion in PNW.  Normal barley/wheat rotation.  New crops canola and AWP.  Test erosion of.

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Presentation on theme: "Examples Scottish Summers Day. Example 1 ~ #4 p79  Soil erosion in PNW.  Normal barley/wheat rotation.  New crops canola and AWP.  Test erosion of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examples Scottish Summers Day

2 Example 1 ~ #4 p79  Soil erosion in PNW.  Normal barley/wheat rotation.  New crops canola and AWP.  Test erosion of new crops in no tillage, minimum tillage and conventional tillage.

3 Example 1 ~ #4 p79  As much land as needed.  Cultivators set to 20 feet.  Tradition drill at 10 feet and no tillage drill at 15 feet.  Design a suitable experiment.

4 Example 1a ~ #4 p79 30’ 100’


6 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba BaCaCa Ca CaCa Ca AP AP AP AP AP AP


8 Example 1b ~ #4 p79

9 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba BaCaCa Ca CaCa Ca AP AP AP AP AP AP

10 Example 1a ~ #4 p79 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba BaCaCa Ca CaCa Ca AP AP AP AP AP AP

11 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba BaCaCa Ca CaCa Ca AP AP AP AP AP AP Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba BaCaCa Ca CaCa Ca AP AP AP AP AP AP Buffer Irrigate Not Irrigate

12 Example 1b ~ #4 p79 IrrigateIrrigate No Irrigate BufferBufferBuffer

13 Example 2 ~ #5 p.79  Kentucky blue grass burning is banned as of now.  Seed Production is related to temperature, length of vernalization and day-length.  Design an experiment to examine production systems without burning.

14 Example 2 ~ #5 p.79  12 cultivars.  3 vernalization chambers, each with six shelves.  4 glasshouse bays with day- length control.  4 benches/bay (15 feet x 3 feet).  Pot size is 4”, 6”, or 12”.

15 Example 2 ~ #5 p. 79 45 x 9 = 405 4” 30 x 6 = 180 6” 15 x 3 = 45 12”

16 Example 2 ~ #5 p.79 45 x 9 = 405 4” 30 x 6 = 180 6” 15 x 3 = 45 12”

17 Example 2 ~ #5 p.79  5 cultivars.  3 vernalization times, one from each chamber (2 sods/shelf).  12” pots = 45/bench  3 Replicates/bench (blocked)  4 benches (~12 reps/treatment).  4 day-lengths, one/bay.

18 Example 2 ~ #5 p.79 15 pots

19 Example 3 ~ #6 p.80  Restrictions on insecticides on beans stop BMV.  Aphids max out at 5 weeks before harvest.  Apply 6” of water, one inch/4 weeks.  Reduced irrigation: early maturity, less cost.

20 Example 3 ~ #6 p.80  Reduced N accelerated maturity and reduces cost.  Early maturity is important to avoid aphids and hence BMV.

21 Example 3 ~ #6 p.80  Triangular field, 300 x 400 x 500 feet.  Solid set irrigation every 30’ from the 400’ edge.  Experiment to optimize irrigation and N application.

22 Example 3 ~ #6 p.80 I IIIII

23  6 cultivars  4 irrigations, 4”, 5”, 6”, 7”.  6 N levels: 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 210 units N/acre.  Three replicates.

24 Example 3 ~ #6 p.80 I II N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 III W1 W2 W3 W4 W2 W3 W4 W1

25 Example 4 ~ #2 p.57  Wild oat infestation reduces yield and quality in spring barley.  Increased N on barley increase crop competitiveness against oat.  Traditionally apply 110 units of N.  ~4 wild oat plants/square foot.

26 Example 4 ~ #2 p.57  Barley predominated by ‘Golden Sunrise’ and ‘Malter’.  5’ wide seed planter (10’ to 30’ length plots).  20’ continious planter.  5’ plot combine  200’ x 200’ of land, 2 locations.

27 Example 4 ~ #2 p.57 200’ 200’ 160’ 160’

28 20’ 20’ 20’ 20’ 2wo’ 4wo’ 6wo’ 8wo’ 20’20’40’ 20’ 20’

29 20’ 20’ 20’ 20’ 30’30’ G. Sunrise Malster Malster Malster Malster 2wo’ 4wo’ 6wo’ 8wo’

30 Example 4 ~ #2 p.57 20’ 20’ 20’ 20’ 30’30’ G. Sunrise Malster Malster Malster Malster 2wo’ 4wo’ 6wo’ 8wo’

31 Examples Scottish Winters Day

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