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SOC 573 Social Use of Genetic Information James G. Anderson Purdue University.

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Presentation on theme: "SOC 573 Social Use of Genetic Information James G. Anderson Purdue University."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOC 573 Social Use of Genetic Information James G. Anderson Purdue University

2 Social Use of Genetic Information Genetic information used outside of medical settings Medicalization of social behavior - Behavior attributed to biological determinants - Human body considered to be a machine - Creation of social categories: Learning disabled High risk worker Deviant Legally competent - Leads to social policies regarding human reproduction, legal responsibility

3 Diagnostic Tests Outpace Ability to Provide Treatment Diagnosis affects course of illness in 8-30% of cases Mass screening is not cost-effective 350 markers for genetic diseases identified but most disorders have multiple genetic/social factors.

4 Common Disorders Downs Syndrome1/600 Sickle Cell Anemia 1/500 Cystic Fibrosis1/2000 Tay-Sachs Disease1/100,000

5 Prenatal Testing Prenatal counseling Sex selection Abortion of fetus with disabilities Problems: - Uncertainty - Lack of ability to correct abnormalities

6 Insurance Determine eligibility Exclude prior conditions Deny coverage (skimming) Questions: Is insurance a private business or a social institutions?

7 Employers Screening employees to determine susceptibility Responsibility on workers Discrimination Avoidance of liability Minimize insurance premiums

8 Schools Attribute problems to biology rather than social situations Categorize children for tracking Determine eligibility for special programs for handicapped Problems - stigmatization, uncertainty of prediction

9 Legal Institutions Competency Rehabilitation Medicalization of deviance DNA testing

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