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Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE)

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1 Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE)
Derivation of the Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE) Assumptions Equivalent porous medium (epm) (i.e., a medium with connected pore space or a densely fractured medium with a single network of connected fractures) Miscible flow (i.e., solutes dissolve in water; DNAPL’s and LNAPL’s require a different governing equation. See p. 472, note 15.5, in Zheng and Bennett.)

2 3. No density effects Density-dependent flow requires
a different governing equation. See Zheng and Bennett, Chapter 15. Figures from Freeze & Cherry (1979)

3 Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE)
Derivation of the Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE) Darcy’s law: h1 h1 h2 h2 q = Q/A advective flux fA = q c s s f = F/A

4 How do we quantify the dispersive flux? h1 fA = advective flux = qc h2
f = fA + fD h2 s How about Fick’s law of diffusion? where Dd is the effective diffusion coefficient.

5 Dual Porosity Domain Figure from Freeze & Cherry (1979) Fick’s law describes diffusion of ions on a molecular scale as ions diffuse from areas of higher to lower concentrations.

6 We need to introduce a “law” to describe
dispersion, to account for the deviation of velocities from the average linear velocity calculated by Darcy’s law. Average linear velocity True velocities

7 We will assume that dispersion follows
Fick’s law, or in other words, that dispersion is “Fickian”. This is an important assumption; it turns out that the Fickian assumption is not strictly valid near the source of the contaminant. porosity where D is the dispersion coefficient.

8 Porosity () for example: q c = v  c
Mathematically, porosity functions as a kind of units conversion factor. for example: q c = v  c Later we will define the dispersion coefficient in terms of v and therefore we insert  now:

9 Case 1 Assume 1D flow qx s and a line source

10 Case 1 qx porosity Advective flux Assume 1D flow Dispersive flux s
D is the dispersion coefficient. It includes the effects of dispersion and diffusion. Dx is sometimes written DL and called the longitudinal dispersion coefficient.

11 Assume 1D flow qx s Case 2 and a point source

12 fA = qxc Advective flux Dispersive fluxes
Dx represents longitudinal dispersion (& diffusion); Dy represents horizontal transverse dispersion (& diffusion); Dz represents vertical transverse dispersion (& diffusion).

13 Continuous point source
Average linear velocity Instantaneous point source center of mass Figure from Freeze & Cherry (1979)

14 Instantaneous Point Source Gaussian longitudinal dispersion transverse
Figure from Wang and Anderson (1982)

15 Derivation of the ADE for 1D uniform flow and 3D dispersion
(e.g., a point source in a uniform flow field) vx = a constant vy = vz = 0 f = fA + fD Mass Balance: Flux out – Flux in = change in mass

16 Porosity () There are two types of porosity in transport problems:
total porosity and effective porosity. Total porosity includes immobile pore water, which contains solute and therefore it should be accounted for when determining the total mass in the system. Effective porosity accounts for water in interconnected pore space, which is flowing/mobile. In practice, we assume that total porosity equals effective porosity for purposes of deriving the advection-dispersion eqn. See Zheng and Bennett, pp

17 Dx = xvx + Dd Dy = yvx + Dd Dz = zvx + Dd
Definition of the Dispersion Coefficient in a 1D uniform flow field Dx = xvx + Dd Dy = yvx + Dd Dz = zvx + Dd vx = a constant vy = vz = 0 where x y z are known as dispersivities. Dispersivity is essentially a “fudge factor” to account for the deviations of the true velocities from the average linear velocities calculated from Darcy’s law. Rule of thumb: y = 0.1x ; z = 0.1y

18 ADE for 1D uniform flow and 3D dispersion
No sink/source term; no chemical reactions Question: If there is no source term, how does the contaminant enter the system?

19 Simpler form of the ADE Uniform 1D flow; longitudinal dispersion; No sink/source term; no chemical reactions Question: Is this equation valid for both point and line sources? There is a famous analytical solution to this form of the ADE with a continuous line source boundary condition. The solution is called the Ogata & Banks solution.

20 Effects of dispersion on the concentration profile
no dispersion dispersion t1 t2 t3 t4 (Freeze & Cherry, 1979, Fig. 9.1) (Zheng & Bennett, Fig. 3.11)

21 Effects of dispersion on the breakthrough curve

22 Instantaneous Point Source Gaussian
Figure from Wang and Anderson (1982)

23 Breakthrough curve long tail Concentration profile

24 Microscopic or local scale dispersion
Figure from Freeze & Cherry (1979)

25 Macroscopic Dispersion
(caused by the presence of heterogeneities) Homogeneous aquifer Heterogeneous aquifers Figure from Freeze & Cherry (1979)

26 Dispersivity () is a measure of the
heterogeneity present in the aquifer. A very heterogeneous porous medium has a higher dispersivity than a slightly heterogeneous porous medium.

27 Dispersion in a 3D flow field

28 [K] = [R]-1 [K’] [R] global local z z’ x’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz
x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K’x 0 K’y 0 K’z K = [K] = [R]-1 [K’] [R]


30 Dispersion Coefficient (D)
D = D + Dd D represents dispersion Dd represents molecular diffusion Dxx Dxy Dxz Dyx Dyy Dyz Dzx Dzy Dzz D = In general: D >> Dd


32 Dx = xvx + Dd Dy = yvx + Dd Dz = zvx + Dd
In a 3D flow field it is not possible to simplify the dispersion tensor to three principal components. In a 3D flow field, we must consider all 9 components of the dispersion tensor. The definition of the dispersion coefficient is more complicated for 2D or 3D flow. See Zheng and Bennett, eqns Dx = xvx + Dd Dy = yvx + Dd Dz = zvx + Dd Recall, that for 1D uniform flow:

33 General form of the ADE:
Expands to 9 terms Expands to 3 terms (See eqn in Z&B)

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