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Mr. Jason Cargile Mission Hills High School, San Marcos CA.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Jason Cargile Mission Hills High School, San Marcos CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Jason Cargile Mission Hills High School, San Marcos CA


3 Romanesque Cathedral Architectural Style ÁRounded Arches. ÁBarrel vaults. ÁThick walls. ÁDarker, simplistic interiors. ÁSmall windows, usually at the top of the wall.

4 Romanesque Floor Plans

5 St. Filibert, France, 10 c

6 Interior of a Romanesque Cathedral

7 The Gothic Cathedral

8 Gothic Floor Plans

9 Canterbury Cathedral, England

10 Gothic Cathedral Architectural Style ÁBegan in France in the 12c. ÁPointed arches. ÁFlying buttresses. ÁStained glass windows. ÁElaborate, ornate interior. ÁTaller, more airy --> lots of light. ÁLavish sculpture --> larger-than- life.

11 Interior of a Gothic Cathedral


13 St. Etienne, Bourges, late 12c “Flying” Buttresses

14 Flying Buttress

15 Gothic “Filigree” Closeups

16 Chartres Cathedral, Paris Royal Portal Jamb Figures The “Pillar People”

17 Cathedral Gargoyles

18 Stained Glass Windows ÁFor the glory of God. ÁFor religious instructions.

19 Notre Dame Cathedral

20 The good, of course, is always beautiful, and the beautiful never lacks proportion. --- Plato Rose Window Chartres Cathedral, Paris

21 “Rose” Windows of Various Kinds Original Design Buddhist Mandala Labyrinth, 1200

22 Chartres Cathedral Plan for all Rose Windows

23 Which Interior Is Which?

24 Which Vault Is Which?

25 Which Cathedral Style Is Which?

26 Cathedral of Mont-Saint Michel: A Fortress & A Church

27 Main Parts of a Medieval Castle

28 Chauvigny Castle, France, 11 c

29 Spanish Castle, 14 c

30 Relinquary, late 12c Late Medieval Church Art Chalice, paten, and straw, mid-13c

31 The Lady & the Unicorns, 1511 Medieval Tapestries from the Workshops in Flanders

32 Illuminated Manuscripts


34 Printed Psaltar Gregorian Chant

35 Medieval Embroidery The Bayeux Tapestry, 11c

36 ÁSt. Francis’ Rule Approved ÁGiotto Á1288-92? ÁTempera on wood and ground gold. Late Medieval Art

37  The Epiphany Á Giotto Á 1320 Á Tempera on wood and ground gold. Medieval Religious Themes

38 ÁGiotto Á1305 ÁTempera on wood and ground gold. The Crucifixion

39 ÁThe Lamentation ÁGiotto, 1302 ÁTempera on wood and ground gold.

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