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Syed Zaigham Abbas Kazmi Ph.D Biochemistry 08-arid-1112.

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Presentation on theme: "Syed Zaigham Abbas Kazmi Ph.D Biochemistry 08-arid-1112."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syed Zaigham Abbas Kazmi Ph.D Biochemistry 08-arid-1112

2 Nanotechnology Design, Synthesis and application of the materials and devices whose size and shape have been engineered at the nanoscale

3 Nanoparticle Particles atleast one dimension smaller than one micron and potentially as small as atomic and molecular length scales They may be Amorphous or Crystalline Act as carrier for liquid droplet or gases and can include metal atoms and large molecules such as proteins

4 Nanoparticles and tumor targeting Nanomedicines have enormous potential to improve the precision of cancer therapy They have the ability to encapsulate the therapeutic drug and target them to the tumor cells.


6 Platinum based anticancer drugs These are the co-ordinate complexes of platinum Examples include Cis platin Carboplatin Triplatin Platinum complexes cause cross linking of the DNA which inhibits the DNA repair and synthesis

7 Beta Casein and Chitosan as nanovehicle for the drug delivery A new drug delivery system comprising a novel platinum complex (bipyridine morpho-line dithiocarbamate Pt(II) nitrate) within nanoparticles composed of Beta-casein and chitosan. The influence of pH on the formation of a colloidally-stable nanocarrier system composed of Pt complex-loaded Beta-CN and chitosan nanoparticles was investigated using UV–vis spectrometry

8 Dynamic light scattering (DLS) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) There is considerable interest in the use of natural biopolymers, such as proteins and polysaccharides, to build particular delivery systems Nanoparticle formation of proteins and carbohydrates based on the principle of attractive and repulsive forces

9 Beta-Casein one of the most abundant proteins in bovine milk and having the properties of Self organization Micelles formation Beta-CN micelles may be efficient as drug vehicles targeting neo-plastic cells. Recent reports suggest that Beta-CN nanoparticles can be used for the entrapment and oral delivery of anti-neoplastic agents

10 one of the problems of using Beta-CN nanoparticles as potential nanocarriers is that drug molecules may interact with their surfaces So, keeping in view this problem, Chitosan has been used as a secondary coating for the controlled and targeted release of the drug

11 Chitosan A cationic polysacchride with increasing number of pharmaceutical and biomedical applications Beneficial biological properties include Biocompatibility Biodegradibility Non toxicity Low immunogenecity chitosan can interact with proteins especially with whole casein forming either soluble or insoluble complexes depending on the pH

12 Prepration of platinum complex and its 2 mM stock soln in distilled water Prepration of 0.5mg/ml stock soln of Beta casein in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer Prepration of 0.05% w/v in 0.01% acetate buffer

13 Pt complex and Beta casein solution in 3:1 Addition of Chitosan stock soln to drug-Beta casein soln Titartion to achieve the desired pH

14 DLS and Zeta potential study The average size and size distribution of the drug-loaded NPs were determined using DLS/zeta potential analysis Particle size distribution was studied by DLS at 25◦C using 0.89 cp for the viscosity of the medium, a fixed angle 90◦for the avalanche photo diode (APD) detector and the wavelength of 678 nm for the 90 mW laser



17 The zeta potential of nanoparticles was measured using a zeta potential analyzer at 25◦C The samples were diluted with distilled water and placed in the electrophoretic cell for zeta potential measurements



20 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

21 pHMean diameter(Polydispersity)Zeta potential (mV) 3–Drug aggregation– 5.7250 ± 50.11 ± 0.01+30 ± 0.6 6.2270 ± 40.17 ± 0.01+29 ± 1 7–Precipitation–

22 Cytotoxicity The cytotoxicity of the drug was studied by using MTT assay The human colon tumor cell line (HCT-116) was selected to assay the in vitro cytotoxicity of the new synthesized Pt(II) complex, either free or encapsulated in CS– Beta-CN micelles Optical density of both treated and control cells were taken and the cell viability was calculated by the formula Cell viability (%) =Atreated/Acontrol × 100



25 Conclusion Nanoparticles consist of CS-Beta-casein loaded with bypyridine morpholine dithiocarbomate are potentially useful as a vehicle for cancer therapy Nanocomplex were stable and soluble at pH 5.7 and 6.2 according to SEM, DLS and Zeta potential analysis Drug efficacy of the Platinum complex was improved by encapsulating in NPs This newly designed nanocarrier could be a promising candidate for clinical trials for the treatment of different carcinomas

26 References M.Razmi,. A. Divsalar., A.A. sabouri., Z. izadi., T. Hertle and H. mansuri.2013. Beta-casein and its complexes with chitosan as nanovehicles for the delivery of platinum anticancer drug. Colloids and surfaces: Biointerfaces. 112: 362-367 M. Geofrey., P. Ji-Ho., L. kevin Y., S. Nitu., S. Christian and M. Rolf. 2011. Nanoparticles that communicate invivo to amplify tumor targeting. Nature materials. E. Wrong and M. Giandimanico. 1999. Current status of platinum based anticancer drugs. Chem. 99: 2451-2466 J. Rieter., M. Pott., M. L. Taylor and L. Weinbin. Nanoscale Coordination Polymers for Platinum- Based Anticancer Drug Delivery. 2008. JACS. 130: 11584-11585 S. Gangnard, Y. Zuev, J. Gaudin, V. Fedotov, Y. Choiset, M.A.V. Axelos, J. Chobert,T. Haertlé, Modifications of the charges at the N-terminus of bovine -casein:consequences on its structure and its micellisation, Food Hydrocol. 21 (2007)180–190 J. Gaudin, A.L. Parc, B. Castrec, M. Ropers, Y. Choiset, J. Shchutskaya, R. Yousefi,V.I. Muronetz, Y. Zuev, J. Chobert, T. Haertlé, Engineering of caseins and modula-tion of their structures and interactions, Biotechnol. Adv. 27 (2009) 1124–1131.

27 “ If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise”. (HAZRAT MUHAMMAD S.A.W)

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