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DST Annual report – 2007/08 financial year Presented by the Director- General: Dr Phil Mjwara 18 Nov 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "DST Annual report – 2007/08 financial year Presented by the Director- General: Dr Phil Mjwara 18 Nov 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 DST Annual report – 2007/08 financial year Presented by the Director- General: Dr Phil Mjwara 18 Nov 2008

2 2 Outline Key objectives of the Department DST Programmes Service delivery achievements per programme Financial performance of the Department Human Resources information Performance by entities reporting to DST Conclusion

3 3 Key objectives To develop the innovation capacity of the science system and contribute to socio-economic development To develop appropriate human capital for research, development and innovation (RDI) To build world-class RDI infrastructure Position SA as a strategic international RDI partner and destination Develop South Africa’s knowledge-generation capacity

4 4 DST programmes Socio- Economic Partnership Corporate Services & Govn Research Development & Innovation International Cooperation & Resources Human Capital & Knowledge Systems White Paper on S&T, National Research & Development Strategy, Ten-Year Innovation Plan

5 5 Corporate Services and Governance Responsible for overall management of DST Provide central support to funded organisations to comply with good governance practices and alignment to strategic focus of NSI Monitoring and evaluation of science councils Sub-programmes –Minister –Deputy Minister –Management –Corporate Services –Governance –Property management Corporate Services & Govn

6 6 Corporate Services and Governance – Achievements Key performance indicator (KPI) reports were completed, and a report on the performance of all SETIs was compiled Unqualified audit opinion with Auditor- General reporting that no significant findings have been identified in performance information

7 7 Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Provide policy leadership in long term and cross cutting research and innovation Play a key role in developing strategic new institutional arrangements to drive research and innovation in the country Sub-programmes –Space science –Hydrogen and energy –Innovation Instruments and Planning –Biotechnology and health Research Development & Innovation

8 8 Service Delivery Achievements – RDI… Establishment of the South African Space Agency interim office is underway and will be finalised in March 2009 Drafting of National Space S&T Strategy to be finalised in 2008/09 financial year Target date to launch and operate Sumbandila SAT changed to end of 2009 due to breakdown of relations between parties concerned Construction of 15 meter reflector antenna, MeerKAT prototype has been completed

9 9 Service Delivery Achievements – RDI… The Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) Bill was approved by the National Assembly on 5 March 2008 The Bill to be signed by the President in the 2008/09 financial year Strategy for Hydrogen and Fuel cell Technologies research, development and innovation was approved in May 2007 Three CoCs have been established in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies

10 10 Service Delivery Achievements – RDI Biosafety Platform business plan to assist in the development of biosafety requirements to be approved internally in DST National Structural Biology Platforms business plan to be ready for implementation by October 2008

11 11 To develop and monitor bilateral and multilateral relationships and agreements in S&T Strengthen the NSI and enable the flow of knowledge, capacity and resources into South Africa and neighbouring countries Sub-programmes –Multilaterals and Africa –International Resources –Bilateral Cooperations International Cooperation and Resources (ICR) International Cooperation & Resources

12 12 Service Delivery Achievements – ICR Received R60 million in new funds from Finland through The Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa (COFISA) for S&T in Africa Secured €30 million for sector budget support in March 2008 from the European Commission, for support of S&T interventions in poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods

13 13 Development and implementation of national programmes to produce knowledge, human capital and associated infrastructure, equipment and public research services to sustain the NSI Sub-programmes –Human Capital and Science Platforms –Indigenous Knowledge Systems –Emerging Research Areas and Infrastructure Human Capital and Knowledge systems (HC&KS) Human Capital & Knowledge Systems

14 14 Service Delivery Achievements – HC&KS 21 new South African Research Chairs in higher education institutions were established and are fully functional 51 new research chairs from science systems outside higher education identified 280 honours students in science, engineering and technology were supported 1,600 disadvantaged youth assisted through science camps

15 15 Service Delivery Achievements – HC&KS 896 Mathematics and Science teachers from 510 schools in all 9 provinces supported in curriculum delivery 95 unemployed science graduates were placed in Internship Programme and 125 entered the National Youth Service Programme National IKS research agenda coordinated and the establishment of IKS research laboratories will proceed in 2008/09 financial year

16 16 To provide policy, strategy and direction-setting support for R&D-led growth of value-adding industries to enable government, industry, and the general public to understand and deal with the challenges of global change better for evidence-based research on the human and social dynamics of development to enhance government decisions making on S&T (including R&D) as productive investments Sub-programmes –S&T for Economic Impact –S&T for Social Impact –S&T Investment Socio-Economic Partnerships (SEP) Socio- Economic Partnership

17 17 Service Delivery Achievements – SEP… 2 new medium-term programmes were initiated in information security and independent living, under the ICT R&D strategy 3 new research chairs in energy R&D were awarded to Stellenbosch, North West and Wits in biofuels and clean coal technologies 2 pilot case studies undertaken to strengthen the innovation capabilities of Northern Cape (Kimberly area) and Free State (Mangaung)

18 18 Service Delivery Achievements – SEP… Research team participated in Anti-Poverty Strategy, which was approved by Cabinet in October 2007 Research on analytical modelling of integrated and sustainable development planning conducted and results shared with key stakeholders Joint DST/DWAF project on innovative alternative technologies for water supply and access was undertaken

19 19 Service Delivery Achievements – SEP The R&D survey (2005/06) published and Innovation Survey launched in April 2007 M&E system for R&D tax incentives programme underway and is ready for piloting; and fully resourced unit to evaluate submissions (31 received) was also established

20 20 Financial performance

21 21 Budget utilisation rate Unqualified audit Expenditure of 99.5% of DST budget No significant audit findings have been identified in performance information

22 22 Spending per programme (R’000)

23 23 Increasing R&D intensity OECD average 2.3% in 2005 2006 GERD as % of R&D at 0.95% Intermediate target 1% Long term target 2%

24 24 Demographic Representation of total Employment

25 25 Performance - CSIR National nanotechnology innovation centre launched Centre for High Performance Computing managed by CSIR opened in May 2007 Essential oils factory established in Northern Cape –Created jobs for 34 previously unemployed people

26 26 Performance – NRF… The KAT prototype antenna was completed and tested in mid 2007 109 research reports completed; 264 journal articles; 121 full length published conference proceedings; 8 chapters in books; 4 books and 248 publications with external authors

27 27 Performance - NRF PhD project launched, aims to increase depth and diversity of skilled graduates 4 600 students supported in 2007/08 (3 out of 10 that applied) 1 600 researchers supported (4 out of 10 that submitted fundable proposals) ~50% from designated groups 169 interns completed training; 77% found employment; 11% pursuing full time studies

28 28 Performance - HSRC Conducted HIV/AIDS and health research Research on welfare of children Policy research Democracy and governance Education and skills development Employment - Scenarios and strategies for employment History - Meaning of Timbuktu study Science and technology - Contribution to review of SA innovation policy Service delivery – FIFA 2010 World Cup research

29 29 Performance- Tshumisano Supported successful development of –Automated crisp fryer –Double ended seamer machine – truck hydraulics Training of technical and management staff of 5 clustered textile companies in Atlantis Supported company gained wide recognition for its Safe Paraffin Stove development

30 30 Performance - AISA Embarked on a turnaround strategy –Isolate areas of commonality, decrease research costs, build networks, further boost African affairs holdings Participated in seminars and interviews on Zimbabwe, Kenyan elections, Sudan/Darfur crisis Conducted training for students: Internship programme, Young Graduates & Scholars and fellowship programme

31 31 Performance - SANERI Awarded 19 Master’s and 14 PhD bursaries Established a hub for energy efficiency and demand side management at University of Pretoria Signed agreement with DST to host demonstration programme for alternative transport fuels – BMW to participate in programme Commissioned 15 projects with R10m funding

32 32 Performance – ASSAf… Consensus study on nutritional influences on human immunity, with special reference to HIV infection and clinical TB Clinical research panel established to examine key questions on clinical research and trials Consensus panel to investigate the status of humanities in SA (to be established in the current year)

33 33 Performance - ASSAf Consensus study on nutritional influences on human immunity, with special reference to HIV infection and clinical TB Clinical research panel established to examine key questions on clinical research and trials Consensus panel to investigate the status of humanities in SA (to be established in the current year)

34 34 Conclusion Overall the Department achieved and met most of its performance targets Human Capita Development being given priority Innovation instruments being put in place –Establishment of TIA and centres of competence –Establishment of Space Agency –IPR bill Strong financial performance Performance by entities reporting to DST

35 35 Thank you

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