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Fueled by Technology – Powered by People. Review of Project Approach Who We Are What We’re Doing How We’re Doing it.

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Presentation on theme: "Fueled by Technology – Powered by People. Review of Project Approach Who We Are What We’re Doing How We’re Doing it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fueled by Technology – Powered by People

2 Review of Project Approach Who We Are What We’re Doing How We’re Doing it

3 Who We Are: Team Hodgson Mark Risch, hodgsonConsulting Project Manager Russ Holt, Access Information, Inc. Greg Snider, CTC Carol Walsh, hodgsonConsulting Heather Wolsey, CTC

4 What We’re Doing: Project Mission Provide a comprehensive study encompassing needs analysis, use case scenarios, the potential for organizational coordination/alliances, and technical requirements gathering that will result in a document that can be used as the basis for a solicitation to build a transportation clearinghouse website.

5 How We’re Doing It Needs Assessment Regional Analysis Functional Requirements

6 Needs Analysis Study existing clearinghouse models. Gather and analyze input from MWCOG transportation and technology staff and working group members. Identify user characteristics. Determine administrative requirements of the site. Determine essential vs. nice to have content and features for the site.

7 Regional Coordination Determine potential roles for other organizations in the region in promoting the clearinghouse’s viability. Identify benefits and challenges of joining existing data from current organizations. Assess the possibility of partnering with current organizations including building on existing websites. Recommend a partnership strategy.

8 Create a site information architecture. Create use case scenarios. Identify system requirements including technical platform, database, maintenance administration, and integration. Recommend a strategy for data maintenance. Provide an estimated budget for annual data maintenance and site operation. Functional Requirements

9 Questions

10 Essential Items Discussion User Criteria: End Users –Low Income –People with Disabilities –Aging Population Administrative Criteria –Service Providers

11 User Characteristics –General characteristics –Transportation needs and challenges –Access to technology –Specific site design and content criteria –Search options most useful to this population

12 Low Income: Characteristics Literacy at 6 th grade reading level. Population often in areas not served well by fixed route systems. High incidence of non-native English speakers.

13 Low Income: Transportation Challenges Often work non-traditional work schedules. Homes and work often located significant distances apart. Need for trip chaining.

14 Low Income: Access to Technology Fairly good access and familiarity with technology through libraries, service providers, etc. Internet access and computer quality on the lower end of the spectrum.

15 Low Income: Most Useful Search Criteria Hours of Service Trip Chaining Cost

16 Aging: Characteristics Largest growing segment of the US population. Trend toward aging in place means more seniors located in suburban areas. Outlive their ability to drive by an average of 10 years. Sixty percent rely on family or friends for transportation.

17 Aging: Transportation Challenges Often live in areas not served well by fixed route service. Often require assistance while traveling. More than 50% of non-drivers age 65 and older stay home on any given day because they lack transportation.

18 Aging: Access to Technology Fastest growing group of internet users. Becoming adept at researching on web. Little formal training on computers, not familiar with standard internet protocol. Wide range of internet access and computer quality across population segment.

19 Aging: Most Useful Search Criteria Hours of Service Accommodations/Accessibility Reliability

20 People with Disabilities: Characteristics Diverse population with wide range of characteristics and needs. Organizations that serve people with disabilities including voc-rehab centers and independent living are often outside public transportation options.

21 People with Disabilities: Trans. Challenges Nearly one-third report having inadequate access to transportation, yet accessible transportation predictor of employment, and quality of life. Often require specific accessibility and accommodation options not universally available.

22 People with Disabilities: Tech. Access Wide range of internet access and computer quality across population segment. Wide variety of specific needs relating to usability criteria.

23 People with Disabilities: Search Criteria Hours of service Accessibility/available accommodations Cost

24 Thank You!

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