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Agribusiness Library LESSON L060058: SALES TAX. Objectives 1. Explain the different types of sales taxes. 2. Determine the sales tax rates in your city,

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Presentation on theme: "Agribusiness Library LESSON L060058: SALES TAX. Objectives 1. Explain the different types of sales taxes. 2. Determine the sales tax rates in your city,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agribusiness Library LESSON L060058: SALES TAX

2 Objectives 1. Explain the different types of sales taxes. 2. Determine the sales tax rates in your city, county, and state; compute sales tax given the principal amounts and the tax rate.

3 Terms Excise tax Sales tax

4  A sales tax is a tax levied by a state, county, and/or city on the price of goods or services purchased by consumers.  Most, but not all, states collect a sales tax.  The states of Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon do not have state sales taxes.  For the states that do have a sales tax, the rates range from 3.5 to 7.25 percent of the purchased price of a good or a service.  In addition to the state sales tax, a city or county sales tax may be added to the purchase price.

5  A positive point about sales taxes is that it can be used as an itemized deduction on income taxes.  A negative aspect about sales taxes is that low-income individuals and families pay a larger percentage of their income on sales taxes than do high-income individuals and families.  To diminish the impact of sales taxes on low-income families, most states have sales tax exemptions or lower sales tax rates on food and prescription drugs.

6  A. A general sales tax is a given rate or percentage of the sale applied to the sale of many items (e.g., clothing, automobiles, and furniture).  1. In some states, there are sales tax exemptions for food, prescription drugs, and inputs for agricultural production.  2. There is not a national sales tax in the United States.  However, cities, counties, and states may impose sales taxes.  3. Sales taxes are the responsibility of the business to collect and provide to the taxing body (e.g., the city, county, or state).

7  B. An excise tax is a tax imposed on the purchase, manufacturing, or consumption of certain goods (e.g., gasoline, alcohol, and tobacco).  Typically, the purpose of an excise tax is to discourage a particular behavior.  For example, a tax on tobacco is intended to raise the price of cigarettes or other tobacco products to a level that will discourage use.

8  Sales taxes may be imposed at the local, county, or state level.  Various sources of information (e.g., the Internet or public officials) can be used to determine the sales tax rates for local and state sales taxes.  When figuring out the amount of tax on an item, the purchase price must be multiplied by the tax rate, which is always expressed as a percentage.  Purchase price × Tax rate percentage = Tax added to the purchase price

9  Once the tax that will be added to the purchase price has been computed, add that amount to the original purchase price.  Tax added to the purchase price + Original price of purchase = Total purchase price

10 REVIEW What are the different types of sales taxes? How can someone learn the tax rates in certain areas? How can sales tax be computed?

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