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Tropical Rainforest By George Bonser and Dominic Holecz.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical Rainforest By George Bonser and Dominic Holecz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropical Rainforest By George Bonser and Dominic Holecz

2 Animal Life and Plant Life!!  For plants to live in the tropical rainforest they need these adaptations:  Bark, Lianas, Drip tips, Buttresses, Prop and Stilt roots, Epiphytes, Bromeliads, Mangroves, Nepenthes.  The types of flowers that live here are commonly called cash crops such as: Cacao, Rubber, Bananas, Sugar Cane and Nutmeg.

3 Flowers Nutmeg : Nutmeg : Rubber: Rubber: Sugar Cane: Sugar Cane:

4 Flowers Cont…. Cacao : Cacao : Banana : Banana :

5 Animal Life and Plant Life!! Cont…. For animals All different types of animals live here : Herbivores, Carnivores, Frugivores, Omnivores, Detritivores. For animals All different types of animals live here : Herbivores, Carnivores, Frugivores, Omnivores, Detritivores. You have the Common Tree Shrew, the Slow Loris, Flying Dragon, Crested Guan, and the Brazilian Tapir. You have the Common Tree Shrew, the Slow Loris, Flying Dragon, Crested Guan, and the Brazilian Tapir.

6 Animals Common Tree Shrew: Common Tree Shrew: Slow Loris: Slow Loris:

7 Animals Cont…. Flying Dragon: Flying Dragon: Crested Guan: Crested Guan:

8 Animals Cont… + Interesting Facts Brazilian Tapir: Brazilian Tapir: One interesting fact is that Nutmeg is actually the only 2 for 1 plant it has 2 spices in one plant nutmeg and mace. One interesting fact is that Nutmeg is actually the only 2 for 1 plant it has 2 spices in one plant nutmeg and mace. Second interesting fact is the Common Tree Shrew’s scientific name is Tupaia glis. Second interesting fact is the Common Tree Shrew’s scientific name is Tupaia glis. Third interesting fact is the Slow Loris is actually a primate. (doesn’t look like one) Third interesting fact is the Slow Loris is actually a primate. (doesn’t look like one)



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