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Professor Lee Witters, MD Faculty Pre-Health Advisor and Faculty Advisor to Nathan Smith Society Sarah Berger Pre-health Advisor Annette Hamilton HPP Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Lee Witters, MD Faculty Pre-Health Advisor and Faculty Advisor to Nathan Smith Society Sarah Berger Pre-health Advisor Annette Hamilton HPP Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Lee Witters, MD Faculty Pre-Health Advisor and Faculty Advisor to Nathan Smith Society Sarah Berger Pre-health Advisor Annette Hamilton HPP Coordinator

2 Courses (GPA, Science GPA) MCAT DAT GRE Extracurricular Experiences Letters of Evaluation Personal & Professional Characteristics Skills & Abilities Clinical Exposure Altruistic Service Scholarly Activity (outside classroom) Elements of a Successful Application to Health Profession Graduate Programs

3 Getting Started (or Not) Fall Term Course Selection Think: Writing/1 st Yr Seminar, ? Math (if needed) or a Science, AND a Distributive or Course of Interest/Exploration Writing/E nglish Writing 5 lst Yr Seminar Math Math 3 (or Math 1/2) ?Higher level math (8, 11) ?Stats Biology Biology 11 or 2? Take assessment exam Biology 12 (unlikely) or 16 Physics Physics 3 Physics 4 Winter or Spring Physics 13 Physics 14 Winter or Spring Physics 15 Chemistry Chemistry 5 (Math 3 (or1/2) pre-req) Chem 6 in Spring Chemistry 2 (by invitation or permission of Professor Milde) Chemistry 10 (placement exam) Gives 2-term gen’l chem credit Chemistry 6 (if you have Chem 5 credit) No Science OR Not More Than One From Among Bio/Chem/Physics? ? Wait on Psychology or Sociology

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