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The Romans drove out the Eturscans and established a Republic Republic- people choose officials, “thing of the people” Consuls-elected officials who.

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3 The Romans drove out the Eturscans and established a Republic Republic- people choose officials, “thing of the people” Consuls-elected officials who supervise business of government Dictator-ruler who has complete control over the government

4 Common people- “plebeians” Gained right to elect tribunes Tribunes-officials elected by the plebeians, have veto power Veto-power to block laws


6 Rome conquered an Empire that stretched around the Mediterranean Sea, including Carthage Carthage- a city-state on the north coast of Africa that ruled a large empire Rome prospered through this conquest

7 Julius Ceaser- a military commander who forced the Senate to make him a dictator Augustus Ceaser-absolute power Emperor, created a well trained civil service, opened jobs to all men of talent Pax Romana- “Roman Peace” under Augustus= good times for Rome


9 Law of Twelve Tables- written laws displayed in the common area Rome had a set of laws for Roman Citizens only called Civil Law and a set of laws for everyone including conquered territories, this was called the Law of Nations Common principles- innocent till proven guilty, ect. From Rome Justinian’s Code-Emperor Justinian reformed the Roman Law code


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