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Arctic and Antarctic Review Glacier Arctic Global WarmAntarctic Misc Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Arctic and Antarctic Review Glacier Arctic Global WarmAntarctic Misc Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Arctic and Antarctic Review Glacier Arctic Global WarmAntarctic Misc Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question Glacier Name three types of glaciers

4 $100 Answer from Glaciers Piedmont Alpine Hanging Valley Ice Sheet

5 $200 Question from Glaciers Glaciers travel by……. a)Feet by day b)Inches by day c)Miles by day

6 $200 Answer from Glaciers Inches by day

7 $300 Question from Glaciers What is a crack in the glacial ice called?

8 $300 Answer from Glaciers Crevasse

9 $400 Question from Glaciers What are formed when a glacier Reaches the sea and breaks up?

10 $400 Answer Glaciers Ice bergs

11 $500 Question from Glaciers When a glacier reaches the sea what process happens?

12 $500 Answer from Glaciers Calving which creates ice bergs and Add volumes of water to the sea level

13 $100 Question Arctic What is a tunnel in the Ice called?

14 $100 Answer from Arctic moulin

15 $200 Question from Arctic What physical feature is different From Antarctic about the Arctic?

16 Surrounded by land—Antarctic is Surrounded by ocean $300 Question Arctic

17 $300 Question Arctic How high would global sea level rise if Greenland’s glaciers were to melt? 10, 20, 25, 25 feet?

18 $300 Answer Arctic 20 feet

19 $400 Question from Arctic The Northwest Passage has been free of ice during the summer since 2007—True or False?

20 $400 Answer Arctic True

21 $500 Question Arctic Why is the Arctic considered “a canary in a cold mine” regarding Global warming?

22 $500 Answer Arctic Higher latitudes are more Sensitive to changes in global temperatures

23 $100 Question Global Warming What is the Albedo Effect?

24 $100 Answer Global Warming It is the reflectivity of the Earth’s Surface –ability to reflect solar energy back into space

25 $200 Question Global Warming Ice cores can identify atmospheric Conditions such as levels Of CO2 from millions of years Ago---True or False?

26 $200 Answer Global Warming True

27 $300 Question Global Warming Why is the Arctic warmer than Antarctica?

28 $300 Answer Global Warming Arctic is influenced by the land masses and warm ocean currents

29 $400 Question Global Warming What happens when sea ice melts?:

30 $400 Answer Global Warming Nothing, as its volume of water is already displaced and part of the sea level.

31 $500 Question Global Warming When a glacier melts and moves backwards (up the valley) it drops large amount of Debris including large rocks which are called what?

32 $500 Answer Global Warming Erractics

33 $100 Question Antarctica What does sea ice do?

34 $100 Answer Antarctica It holds back the ice flow from the glaciers, called a Buttress (like a dam) to slow down the flow to the sea

35 $200 Question Antarctica Where is most of the frozen water of The world located?

36 $200 Answer Antarctica Antarctica

37 $300 Question Antarctica Name two ways the basal level below the Glaciers are analyized?

38 $300 Answer Antarctica Core samples Remote sensing using sonar

39 $400 Question Antarctica What are mountains called on Antarctica?

40 $400 Answer Antarctica Nanatucks

41 $500 Question Antarctica How deep can the ice sheets be On Antarctica?

42 $500 Answer Antarctica Up to 2-3miles

43 $100 Question Misc What happens when ice sheets melt?

44 $100 Answer Misc. Sea levels rise

45 $200 Question Misc What is the correct term for the debris of rocks and soil carried along by glaciers and left behind when it retreats is called?

46 $200 Answer Misc Moraine

47 $300 Question Misc What is a paleo proxie?

48 $300 Answer Misc Tree rings and cores from corals, ice caps and glaciers acted upon by past ice ages..

49 $400 Question Misc What is a forcing factor?

50 $400 Answer Msic. Feedback mechanisms (such as ocean temperature, currents or freshwater flow) outside the climate system that can either amplify or reduce the impact of climate change

51 $500 Question Misc What is the leading edge or “foot” of a glacier called?

52 $500 Answer Misc. Ablation

53 Final Jeopardy What is a long-term change in the Statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time called?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Climate Change

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