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HIFI Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared

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1 HIFI Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared
(The high resolution spectrometer for Herschel) Michel Fich HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

2 Outline Visit the HIFI booth!!! - science - the mission HIFI
Herschel - science - the mission HIFI the instrument science the Canadian HIFI team what comes after Herschel? HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

3 Herschel Main Scientific Objectives
Formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters in the early universe Star formation rates, bolometric luminosities, AGN structure Evolution of chemical elements Formation of stars & planets and physics of the interstellar medium Tracers of structure, kinematics, chemistry in star forming regions Circulation/enrichment of the interstellar medium Astrochemistry – WATER Detailed studies of nearby resolvable galaxies Cometary, planetary, and satellite atmospheres History of the solar system Pristine material in comets Water activity HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

4 Herschel: The Mission facility-class far-infrared/submm space observatory 1/3 Guaranteed Time, 2/3 Open Time with annual calls for proposals 3.5 m Ritchey-Chrétien telescope that will passively cool to around 70K have an operational lifetime of at least three years incorporates an ISO-type liquid helium cryostat launched by an Ariane 5 in late late 2008 (with Planck) operate from an orbit around the L2 point in the Sun/Earth system located approximately million km away from the Earth in the anti-sunward direction HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

5 Herschel: The Instruments
SPIRE: simultaneously imaging at 250, 350, 500 μm with 322, 242, and 162 pixels in same 4'x4' FOV or low to medium resolution spectroscopy in 2'x2' PACS: spectroscopy with velocity resolution of km/s and km/s coverage or imaging with two 25x16 arrays at and μm simultaneously HIFI: very high spectral resolution heterodyne spectroscopy spanning and GHz with wide and narrow band spectrometers operating in parallel HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

6 HIFI Design block diagram
HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

7 HIFI Local Oscillator Source Unit (LSU)
The Canadian Hardware Contribution to HIFI built by COMDEV performing extremely well in tests the LSU dimensions are (H) x 424(L) x 286(W) mm. HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

8 HIFI Core Science ISM in Galaxies: Normal galaxies Physical properties
of star-forming ISM ISM in the Milky Way: Structure Dynamics (pressure) Composition (gradients) Dense cores and star-formation: Dynamics Role of Water Disks Late stages of stellar evolution: Winds Shells Asymmetries Composition Solar System: Water in Giant Planets Chemistry Martian atmosphere HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

9 Molecular Lines visible with HIFI
Plus lines of HD, HD+, H2D, 6LiH, 7LiH, CH, CH+, NH, NH+, NeH+, HF, SH, SH+, HCl, FeH, SiH, SiH+, CH2, NH2, NH3, … plus many lines from larger molecules H2O 20 lines O2 15 lines HDO 40 lines H218O 24 lines CO 13 lines OH 6 lines OH+ 4 lines HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

10 Science with HIFI – Water
SWAS result HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

11 HIFI Key Projects (Guaranteed Time)
water in star forming regions low mass: pre-stellar, Class 0, Class 1, outflows intermediate mass: embedded (led by Doug Johnstone) high mass: pre-stellar, hot cores, maps disks hydrides Ori B maps and spectral surveys Ori KL, Ori-South (led by Rene Plume), bar maps warm ISM PDRs, diffuse, shocks, low-UV, hydrides, C-clusters (Peter Martin on team) Solar System comets, mars, outer solar system evolved stars extragalactic galactic centre, star bursts, ultra-luminous, AGNs, Cen A, metal-poor HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

12 Canadian HIFI Steering Committee
Michel Fich* (University of Waterloo) Canadian Lead Co-Investigator Doug Johnstone* (NRC/HIA) Peter Martin* (University of Toronto) Henry Matthews (NRC/HIA/DAO/DRAO) Bill McCutcheon (University of British Columbia) Rene Plume* (University of Calgary) * “Astronomy Co-Investigator” - member of the international HIFI Science Team HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

13 Herschel Meeting: 12:00 – 13:30 Friday, Esqumalt Room
Canadian HIFI strategy is to maximize success rate on Open Time Proposals we expect a call for OT proposals due no sooner than May 2009 Canadian staff and Science Team members available as a resource to all Canadian astronomers to help with proposals Canadian HIFI Workshop for potential users in 2009 (perhaps with CASCA meeting) observing assistance, data analysis advice and software support will be available Herschel Meeting: 12:00 – 13:30 Friday, Esqumalt Room HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

14 What comes after Herschel?
cold telescopes (SPICA) larger telescopes (10 meter diameter) Interferometers Join the Far InfraRed Discipline Working Group (FIRDWG) to learn more! Meeting Thursday after the CASCA Business Meeting HIFI: CASCA08, 23 May, 2008

15 The Far-IR Spatial Resolution Gap
~ arcsecs with few K sensitivity ~ 10 arcsec with micro-K sensitivity JWST UofW Astro-lunch 29 Nov. 2006

16 Interferometers: Heterodyne vs. Direct Detection
Heterodyne – detect the signals at each antenna and then combine electronically Direct Detection – combine beams, then detect signal sensitivity resolution technology challenges (cost and schedule) UofW Astro-lunch 29 Nov. 2006

17 Direct Detection Far-IR Interferometry
Dave Leisawitz NASA Based largely on the NASA-sponsored study of the Space Infrared Interferometric Telescope (SPIRIT), a candidate Origins Probe mission UofW Astro-lunch 29 Nov. 2006

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