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Matthew 9:18-34 Jesus’ ministry and miracles. Who? Jesus Jesus His disciples His disciples A dead girl A dead girl A sick woman A sick woman Two blind.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 9:18-34 Jesus’ ministry and miracles. Who? Jesus Jesus His disciples His disciples A dead girl A dead girl A sick woman A sick woman Two blind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 9:18-34 Jesus’ ministry and miracles

2 Who? Jesus Jesus His disciples His disciples A dead girl A dead girl A sick woman A sick woman Two blind men Two blind men A mute, demon-possessed man A mute, demon-possessed man

3 What? Jesus brings a dead girl back to life Jesus brings a dead girl back to life Jesus heals a sick woman Jesus heals a sick woman Jesus heals two blind men Jesus heals two blind men Jesus heals a demon-possessed man Jesus heals a demon-possessed man Jesus admonishes the disciples to pray Jesus admonishes the disciples to pray

4 When? Jesus has just been to “the region of the Gadarenes”, where he healed the men with the “Legion” of demons Jesus has just been to “the region of the Gadarenes”, where he healed the men with the “Legion” of demons He has called Matthew from the tax collector’s booth He has called Matthew from the tax collector’s booth

5 Jerusalem & “The Decapolis” Notes: Jesus had now returned home to Nazareth It says in the previous passage that “Jesus crossed over the sea” (See 9:1, NASB) Where?

6 Why? To further demonstrate His power and that He is God To further demonstrate His power and that He is God To show us that He is a “rewarder of those who seek Him” Hebrews 11:6 To show us that He is a “rewarder of those who seek Him” Hebrews 11:6

7 The Dead Girl In Matthew 9:18-19 & 23-26, Jairus comes to Jesus to beg him about his daughter’s life In Matthew 9:18-19 & 23-26, Jairus comes to Jesus to beg him about his daughter’s life Jairus’ statement shows his faith in Jesus “but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live” Jairus’ statement shows his faith in Jesus “but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live” This was worth noting (in part) because of the man’s position: he was a synagogue official; a group that generally hated Jesus This was worth noting (in part) because of the man’s position: he was a synagogue official; a group that generally hated Jesus This is another contrast that the gospels draw, between the humble Jesus and the “official” synagogue leader. This is another contrast that the gospels draw, between the humble Jesus and the “official” synagogue leader. Others were the “Good Samaritan”, the woman caught in adultery, the healed lepers, and many others Others were the “Good Samaritan”, the woman caught in adultery, the healed lepers, and many others All were groups or individuals that had an onus, something “wrong” with them All were groups or individuals that had an onus, something “wrong” with them Jairus (chp. 9) follows the centurion in chapter 8 as an example of men of high position who had faith in Jesus Jairus (chp. 9) follows the centurion in chapter 8 as an example of men of high position who had faith in Jesus

8 The Dead Girl (cont’d) As Jesus entered the official’s house, the crowd that was there was weeping As Jesus entered the official’s house, the crowd that was there was weeping When He said that the child was only asleep, they laughed at Him. When He said that the child was only asleep, they laughed at Him. This indicates their lack of faith, versus the faith of Jairus. This indicates their lack of faith, versus the faith of Jairus. This is just like today: even as we remain faithful, there are those around us (even in our own household!) that scoff at our faith. This is just like today: even as we remain faithful, there are those around us (even in our own household!) that scoff at our faith.

9 The Sick Woman Another example we have of faith comes from the Sick Woman in Matthew 9:20-22 Another example we have of faith comes from the Sick Woman in Matthew 9:20-22 The woman says “If I only touch His garment, I will get well.” The woman says “If I only touch His garment, I will get well.” Question: Did Jesus’ garment have special powers? Question: Did Jesus’ garment have special powers? Answer: No. The power belonged entirely to Jesus Himself. Answer: No. The power belonged entirely to Jesus Himself. How do we know this? Jesus says "Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.“ How do we know this? Jesus says "Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.“ We can not depend on objects or relics for healing, comfort, or salvation. The Lord Himself, as we have faith in Him, is able to save, heal, and comfort us. We can not depend on objects or relics for healing, comfort, or salvation. The Lord Himself, as we have faith in Him, is able to save, heal, and comfort us.

10 The Two Blind Men Another example of faith are seen in this passage. Another example of faith are seen in this passage. The Two blind men, who believe that Jesus is able to heal, are healed by Him. The Two blind men, who believe that Jesus is able to heal, are healed by Him. Notice Jesus question “Do you believe that I am able to do this” Notice Jesus question “Do you believe that I am able to do this” It is not always God’s Will to heal us, deliver us, or to keep us safe. It is not always God’s Will to heal us, deliver us, or to keep us safe. Our belief and faith should not be contingent on our healing or any other consequences. Our belief and faith should not be contingent on our healing or any other consequences. Just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego reply to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:17-18 “…The God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego reply to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:17-18 “…The God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

11 The Demon-possessed man This demon-possessed man is different from the other encounters we have seen in this chapter This demon-possessed man is different from the other encounters we have seen in this chapter He does not express faith, yet Jesus casts the demon out and He is healed He does not express faith, yet Jesus casts the demon out and He is healed The Lord can do miracles and works apart from any prayer, faith, or other things involving us. The Lord can do miracles and works apart from any prayer, faith, or other things involving us. This discretion belongs to Him. He is God and can decide to do anything as it pleases Him. This discretion belongs to Him. He is God and can decide to do anything as it pleases Him.

12 Scripture Comparison: The Dead Girl and the Sick Woman A. Read Mark 5:22-23, 35-43 (vs Matt 9:18-19, 23-26) i. How do these accounts differ? ii. How can we apply this miracle to our own life? B. Read Luke 8:41-42, 49-56 (vs Matt 9:18-19, 23-26) i. How do these accounts differ? ii. How can we apply this miracle to our own life? C. Read Mark 5:25-34 (vs Matt 9:20-22) i. How do these account differ? ii. How can we apply this miracle to our own life? D. Read Luke 8:43-48 (vs Matt 9:20-22) i. How do these account differ? ii. How can we apply this miracle to our own life?

13 Parallel Passage Lookup: Matthew 9:18-38, Mark 5:22- 43;Luke 8:41-56; Parallel Passage Lookup: Matthew 9:18-38, Mark 5:22- 43;Luke 8:41-56; Parallel passages to Matthew 9:18-38

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