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Blindness In Johannine Literature. Blindness John focuses on the themes of light and darkness What is seen and what is believed or not believed The question.

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Presentation on theme: "Blindness In Johannine Literature. Blindness John focuses on the themes of light and darkness What is seen and what is believed or not believed The question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blindness In Johannine Literature

2 Blindness John focuses on the themes of light and darkness What is seen and what is believed or not believed The question becomes: why do some believe and some not ? Are they able to believe, or have their hearts been hardened ? We see a possible answer in Jesus statement of why he has come. Perhaps this “hardening”is all part of God’s plan (Isa. 6:9-10)

3 Hardness of heart and failing to see Isa. 6:9-10 – The people are warned and this causes them to refuse to believe. Jesus states he has come into the world to give sight to the blind and to blind those who claim to see Perhaps part of his mission requires that the hearts of some be hardened that they might later believe

4 Blindness in Chapter 9 The blind man who is healed progresses in his faith Similar to the Samaritan woman (John 4) and the Disciples (John 1:35-51) He finally confesses Jesus as Son of God and worships Aside from Jesus, this man is the only one to speak of Jesus as “from God” For others: At first they simply do not believe (vv8- 9), then they are divided (v 16), and finally reject Jesus (v 24) which leads to their own condemnation (v 41)

5 Source Lieu, J. M. “Blindness in the Johannine Tradition” New Testament Studies 34 no 1 1988, p 83-95

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