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Constraining Hydrological Cycle Characteristics of Early Eocene Hyperthermals Srinath Krishnan.

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Presentation on theme: "Constraining Hydrological Cycle Characteristics of Early Eocene Hyperthermals Srinath Krishnan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constraining Hydrological Cycle Characteristics of Early Eocene Hyperthermals Srinath Krishnan

2 Reasons for study  Rainfall has direct impact on human society  Impact of anthropogenic activity on rainfall patterns is not well understood  Modern studies suggest intensification of hydrological cycle with warming  Wet Wetter  Dry Dryer  Lack of data inhibits validation of these models in a complex natural system

3 Reasons for study  Rainfall has direct impact on human society  Impact of anthropogenic activity on rainfall patterns is not well understood  Modern studies suggest intensification of hydrological cycle with warming  Wet Wetter  Dry Dryer  Lack of data inhibits validation of these models in a complex natural system

4 Reasons for study  Rainfall has direct impact on human society  Impact of anthropogenic activity on rainfall patterns is not well understood  Modern studies suggest intensification of hydrological cycle with warming  Wet Wetter  Dry Dryer  Lack of data inhibits validation of these models in a complex natural system

5 Reasons for study  Rainfall has direct impact on human society  Impact of anthropogenic activity on rainfall patterns is not well understood  Modern studies suggest intensification of hydrological cycle with warming  Wet Wetter  Dry Dryer  Lack of data inhibits validation of these models in a complex natural system

6 Early Eocene Hyperthermals Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ~3-5 0 C rise in temperature Negative carbon isotope excursion of 2.5-6‰ Eocene Thermal Maximum-2 Smaller rise in temperature compared to the PETM set on a warming trend Carbon isotopic excursion about half of the PETM Adapted from Zachos et al. (2001)

7 Early Eocene Hyperthermals  Causes  Methane Hydrates (Dickens et al., 1995)  Burning of terrestrial organic matter (Kurtz et al., 2003)  Estimates of greenhouse gas concentrations  Pre-PETM: ~600 – 2,800 ppm of CO 2  PETM: ~750 – 26,000 ppm of CO 2  ~1,500 – 55,000 Gt C in the atmosphere  ~3,900 – 57,000 Gt C released in the oceans  Modern atmospheric CO 2 concentration: ~360 ppm  Modern Conventional fossil fuel reserves: ~5,000 Gt C

8 Early Eocene Hyperthermals  Causes  Methane Hydrates (Dickens et al., 1995)  Burning of terrestrial organic matter (Kurtz et al., 2003)  Estimates of greenhouse gas concentrations  Pre-PETM: ~600 – 2,800 ppm of CO 2  PETM: ~750 – 26,000 ppm of CO 2  ~1,500 – 55,000 Gt C in the atmosphere  ~3,900 – 57,000 Gt C released in the oceans  Modern atmospheric CO 2 concentration: ~360 ppm  Modern Conventional fossil fuel reserves: ~5,000 Gt C

9 GOAL  Use early Eocene hyperthermals as analogues to study changes in the hydrological cycle during extreme warming events

10 Schematic of a Water Cycle Adapted from NASA Goddard Flight Center

11 Expected changes with warming  Increased lower tropospheric water vapor  In the extra-tropics, the important components of the hydrological cycle that affect isotopic signals are  Horizontal poleward flow of moisture  Changes in precipitation and evaporation Dr. Raymond Schmitt:

12 Variations in Precipitation with warming Held and Soden (2006) Increased Evaporation 2.8 0 c in 2100

13 Held and Soden (2006) Increased Precipitation Variations in Precipitation with warming 2.8 0 c in 2100

14 Isotopes and Precipitation

15 Modern annual precipitation

16 Rayleigh Distillation Clark and Fritz, 1997

17 Rayleigh Distillation Clark and Fritz, 1997 Increased depletion with progressive rainout events

18 Hypotheses  There is a systematic change in moisture transport to the higher latitudes during warming events  Are there similar changes in δ D between the two hyperthermals at the higher latitudes?  Can these changes be detected on a global scale?  Can this theoretical model be reproduced with an isotope coupled climate model?

19 Proxies  n-alkanes: Single chain hydrocarbon with long chain lengths (n-C 23-35 ) indicating terrestrial plant/leaf wax sources  Compound-specific hydrogen isotopic composition represents meteoric water modified by evapotranspiration  Compound-specific carbon isotopic compositions represents environmental and ecological conditions

20 Proxies  n-alkanes: Single chain hydrocarbon with long chain lengths (n-C 23-35 ) indicating terrestrial plant/leaf wax sources  Compound-specific hydrogen isotopic composition represents meteoric water modified by evapotranspiration  Compound-specific carbon isotopic composition represents environmental and ecological conditions

21 n-alkanes and precipitation Adapted from Sachse et al., 2006) Deuterium n- alkanes

22 Biomarker transport Adapted from Eglinton and Eglinton, 2008 ContinentOceans Wind Terrestrial Plants Rivers Aerosols (with waxes)

23 Methods Samples Total Lipid Extract n-alkane and biomarker fractions Compound Detection & Identification Compound-specific Deuterium & Carbon isotope compositions Crushing and Extraction Compound Separation Gas Chromatogram Analyses Compound-specific Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Clean-up Procedures Analytical Uncertainty: ±5‰

24 IODP-302 Arctic Coring Expedition

25 Arctic Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Modified from Pagani et al., 2006 ~55.6 Ma Duration: ~150-200 kyrs

26 Arctic Eocene Thermal Maximum-2 This work ~54 Ma Duration: ~75-100 kyrs

27 Preliminary Conclusions  Enrichment at the onset for both events with different magnitudes  Decreased rainout for moisture reaching the poles  15-20‰ magnitude depletions during the events  Similar variations during both the events

28 Preliminary Conclusions  Enrichment at the onset for both events with different magnitudes  Decreased rainout for moisture reaching the poles  15-20‰ magnitude depletions during the events  Similar variations during both the events

29 Hypotheses  There is a systematic change in moisture transport to the higher latitudes during hyperthermal events  Are there similar changes in δ D during the two hyperthermals at the higher latitudes?  Preliminary Conclusion: Enrichments in δ D do correspond with the hyperthermals at the onset of the event with similar magnitude depletions during the event Number of samples Arctic ETM-2: 29 samples

30 Hypotheses  There is a systematic change in moisture transport to the higher latitudes during hyperthermal events  Are there similar changes in δ D during the two hyperthermals at the higher latitudes?  Can these changes be detected on a global scale?  Can this theoretical model be reproduced with an isotope coupled climate model?

31 Tropical PETM: Tanzania (Handley et al., 2008)

32 Tropical PETM: Colombia (This work)

33 Mid-latitudes PETM: Bighorn Basin Smith et al. (2006)

34 PETM: High Latitudes Pagani et al. (2006)

35 Summary of changes during PETM  Tropics  Tanzania – 15‰ enrichment  Colombia - ~30‰ depletion  Mid-latitudes  Lodo – No change during the event with hints of depletion at the onset and the end  Bighorn Basin – No significant change  Forada - ~10‰ enrichment at the onset followed by a10‰ depletion during the event  High Latitudes  Arctic – 60‰ enrichment at the onset followed by 20‰ depletion through the event

36 Summary of changes during PETM  Tropics  Tanzania – 15‰ enrichment  Columbia - ~30‰ depletion  Mid-latitudes  Lodo, California – No change during the event with hints of depletion at the onset and the end  Bighorn Basin – No significant change  Forada, Italy - ~10‰ enrichment at the onset followed by a10‰ depletion during the event  High Latitudes  Arctic – 60‰ enrichment at the onset followed by 20‰ depletion through the event

37 Summary of changes during PETM  Tropics  Tanzania – 15‰ enrichment  Columbia - ~30‰ depletion  Mid-latitudes  Lodo – No change during the event with hints of depletion at the onset and the end  Bighorn Basin – No significant change  Forada - ~10‰ enrichment at the onset followed by a10‰ depletion during the event  High Latitudes  Arctic – 60‰ enrichment at the onset followed by 20‰ depletion through the event

38 Hypotheses  There is a systematic change in moisture transport to the higher latitudes during hyperthermal events  Can these changes be detected on a global scale?  Preliminary Conclusion: Existing data not sufficient to draw conclusions about regional & hemispherical changes. Requires further studies on a global scale

39 Ongoing Work

40 Ongoing Work: Giraffe Core C29

41 Ongoing Work: 1051 C29

42 Ongoing Work: 1263 C29

43 Ongoing Work: 690 C29

44 Hypotheses  There is a systematic change in moisture transport to the higher latitudes during hyperthermal events  Are there similar changes in δ D during the two hyperthermals at the higher latitudes?  Can these changes be detected on a global scale?  Can these changes predicted be reproduced with an isotope coupled climate model?

45 Future Work: Eocene Modeling  Goal  To utilize the global dataset developed to compare the hydrological response in terms of isotopes, temperatures and precipititation signals  Simulations planned  Hyperthemal scenarios (PETM vs. ETM2)  Different CO 2 concentrations  Background Eocene

46 Thank You Acknowledgments Joint Oceanographic Institute, ODP/IODP Mark Pagani, Matt Huber, Appy Sluijs, Carlos Jaramillo Peter Douglas, Sitindra Dirganghi, Micheal Hren, Brett Tipple, Katie French, Keith Metzger, Courtney Warren, Matt Ramlow, Gerry Olack, Dominic Colosi Yale G&G Faculty, Staff & Students

47 Mid-latitudes PETM: Forada Tipple (unpublished)

48 Mid-latitudes PETM: Lodo Tipple (unpublished)

49 Paleogeography


51 C-3 Biosynthetic pathway

52 C-4 Biosynthetic pathway

53 Modern mean annual poleward flux

54 Changes in northward polar flux with doubling of CO2 – IPCC AR-4 scenario Held & Soden, 2006

55 Proxies  TEX-86  Derived from marine pico plankton Crenarchaeota  Vary membrane fluidity and composition depending on the temperature  Has recently been applied to analyze paleo-SST


57 Changes in GWML

58 Theoretical Model  Warming results in increased lower tropospheric water vapor  Scales according to the Clausius-Clayperon relationship  In the extra-tropics, the important components of the hydrological cycle that affect isotopic signals are horizontal poleward flow of moisture and changes in precipitation and evaporation  Simple models have been developed by scaling with the Clausius-Clayperon relation

59 Energy Use Phase

60 Energy generation Phase



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