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ANA Food Code. Responsibilities Commanders Take appropriate actions to make sure corrective actions are completed when a facility fails to comply to standards.

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Presentation on theme: "ANA Food Code. Responsibilities Commanders Take appropriate actions to make sure corrective actions are completed when a facility fails to comply to standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANA Food Code

2 Responsibilities Commanders Take appropriate actions to make sure corrective actions are completed when a facility fails to comply to standards Food Service Officer Responsible for the preparation, serving, and storage of food

3 The Dining Facility (DFAC) Manager Person in charge or shall designate a person in charge during hours of operation Explain the use of time and temp to prevent illness Safe refrigeration storage/relationship FBI to Cross contamination contact with prepared food/Handwashing/Daily cleaning of the DFAC Responsibilities

4 Management All DFAC employees must have a current health screening Person in charge will ensure each employee is free of open sores, boils, and have no signs or symptoms of an acute gastrointestinal illness, or sickness

5 Handwashing DFAC employees will clean exposed portions of their arms and hands with soap and water After touching bare human body parts After using the toilet room After cutting raw meat products After coughing, sneezing, using tobacco, eating and drinking After handling soiled equipment or utensils Before starting any food preparation

6 Other Personal Hygiene HAIR RESTRAINTS: DFAC employees shall wear hair restraints to keep their hair from contacting exposed food. SINGLE USE GLOVES: single use gloves are used for only one task such as working with cooked food or with raw animal food. Discarded when damaged or soiled or touching any part of body. Discarded when changing in-between different tasks Minimize bare hand and arm contact with exposed food.

7 FOOD SERVICE GENERAL INFORMATION Proper food storage whether raw or prepared, shall be stored in a clean, covered container. Solid cuts of meat will be covered in storage Do not store food or food containers under exposed pipes or under leaking pipes

8 Physically separate different types of raw meat (i.e. chicken, beef, etc.) to prevent cross contamination Raw meats and fish should be covered and stored below any cooked foods, or foods such as salads, which will receive no cooking or reheating before serving FOOD SERVICE GENERAL INFORMATION

9 FOOD PROTECTION MEASURES: Minimum food protection measures include Sanitation practices for handling food High standards of personal hygiene PHF refrigerated or heated to temperatures Inspecting for wholesomeness, temperature, and sanitary condition Cooking PHFs, to kill microorganisms

10 FOOD PROTECTION MEASURES Personnel, equipment, and facilities to ensure sanitary operation Preventing infestation or contamination of food by insects, rodents or toxic materials

11 HANDLING FOOD Except when washing fruits and vegetables, food employees not touch exposed foods with their bare hands Use suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single use gloves

12 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Raw fruits and vegetables washed to remove soil, other contaminants Immersion for at least 15 minutes in a 100ppm bleach solution or for 30 minutes in a 50ppm

13 Cooking Raw Foods Raw animal foods shall be cooked to heat all parts 74 o C or above for 15 seconds for poultry, and stuffed fish, stuffed meat, stuffed pasta, stuffed poultry 63 o C or above for 15 seconds 63 o C or above for 15 seconds Eggs for immediate service Fish and meat

14 FOOD STORAGE AND HOLDING Eggs must be received and maintained at 2 o C to 7 o C or less Refrigerated Storage: Temperature ranges are 0-5 o C for refrigeration and -17 o C freezers

15 HEATED STORAGE PHF reheated for hot food rapidly reheated, within 2 hours, internal temperature of 74 o C for at least 15 seconds Hot food preheated to at least 63 o C

16 DRY FOOD ITEMS They must be stored under controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and air circulation

17 SAFE HOLDING TEMPERATURES PHFs when held at temperatures between 5 o C and 60 o C No longer than 4 hrs

18 SERVING LINES Equipped with a functional sneeze shield Hot and cold foods checked to ensure food is held between 5 o C and 60 o C Adequate potable water for food preparation Cleaning and sanitizing utensils and equipment Potable water heating system on the premises capable of producing adequate hot water for cleaning and sanitizing

19 FOOD CONTACT SURFACES AND FLOORS Constructed of concrete, asphalt, tight wood, cleanable material in good repair Food contact surfaces materials which are smooth, corrosion resistant, nontoxic, stable, and nonabsorbent

20 MESSING FACILITY TABLES The “two pan method” with one pan containing a mild detergent and water and the second pan containing clean hot water Outside garbage storage areas 30 meters of the dining facility/DFAC

21 WIPING CLOTHS, USE LIMITATION Wiping surfaces in contact with raw animal foods kept separate from cloths used for other purposes Counters and other equipment surfaces Keep in a clean chlorine sanitizer solution at a concentration of 50 parts per million (ppm)

22 INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL DFAC must be protected from rodents and insects Self-closing tight-fitting doors and/or closed tight-fitting windows Deliveries have screens, air curtains or other protection

23 Questions??

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