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The building of success with virtual education in District XYZ.

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Presentation on theme: "The building of success with virtual education in District XYZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 The building of success with virtual education in District XYZ

2 Faculty and Staff Onsite administration Keeping strong communication with faculty and administrators Go to for information for parents and non-traditional students Training Faculty and staff will enter into extensive training in distance education Faculty and staff will be trained in the LMS

3 College Ready Follow goals of NETP report Raise college graduates from ‘41% to 60%’(NETP 2010) How to achieve goal? Focus on raising number of students in the district that are college ready by 20% in years 1-3 Maintain status with both traditional and nontraditional students. *

4 Faculty and Staff Virtual School Focus on training in technology as ongoing Develop focus groups to improve multimedia content in classes on a yearly basis Brick and Mortar Focus on training in technology and distance education Maintain level of training so staff can integrate into virtual school as necessary or voluntarily

5 Virtual Schooling: Where is it headed? Review the new quarterly supplement in USA Today

6 How do our students learn? Let technology lead the way Asynchronously/Synchronously Multimedia Skype Interactive Lessons Wimba Study Groups

7 Student and Parent Support Communication Faculty and staff highly trained in distance education Open communication with students and parents Multiple faculty available for live communication in technology for students Onsite Administration Support for parents

8 Success Highly trained Faculty and Staff Multiple delivery methods Onsite administration Strong communication through multiple channels Support for students and parents Following these criteria we will be able to develop a virtual school with the same success our district has had for the last several years.

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