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Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Engineering Technology Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Engineering Technology Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Engineering Technology Division

2 2 Overview Introduction US Geothermal Plants Geothermal Resources Geothermal Production and Methods Geothermal Potential for Power Generation Environmental Aspects Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy

3 3 Introduction Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy DEFINITION - Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Geothermal energy production is the ability to utilize the Earth’s heat to produce work (or rotational energy) to turn a generator 7,000 °K=12,140 °F °F x 256 = °K

4 4 Introduction Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy

5 5 US Geothermal Plants Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy

6 6 US Geothermal Plants

7 7 Geothermal Resources - US Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy

8 8 Geothermal Production - Types

9 9 Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Geothermal Production - Types

10 10 Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Geothermal Production - Types Double Flash Power Plant

11 11 Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Geothermal Production - Types

12 12 Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Geothermal Potential for Power Generation

13 13 Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Environmental Issues

14 14 Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy Location - Proper Research, Dry Hole Lifespan of the Project – Drilling, Plant Life, Stoppage Hazardous Gases – Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide Dissolved Chemicals – Deposition, Cleaning, Waste, Treatment Geological Changes – Earthquake, Subsidence, Land Lifting Environmental Issues - Disadvantages

15 15 Questions? Section 1.7– Geothermal Energy

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