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CHAPTER 14 Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, & Sales Management M A R K E T I N G Real People, Real Choices.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 14 Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, & Sales Management M A R K E T I N G Real People, Real Choices."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 14 Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, & Sales Management M A R K E T I N G Real People, Real Choices

2 14-2 Chapter Objectives Define sales promotion and describe some of the different types of trade & consumer sales promotions Explain the important role of personal selling in the marketing effort List the steps in the personal selling process Explain the role of the sales manager

3 14-3 Sales Promotion Programs that marketers design to build interest in or encourage purchase of a product or service during a specified time period –Short term increase in sales

4 14-4 Sales Promotions by Target Consumers –Coupons –Samples –Contests –Bonus packs –Premiums –Rebates –Frequency programs Trade –Trade shows –Incentive programs –POP displays –Push money –Promotional products –Cooperative promotions

5 14-5 Personal Selling Occurs when a company representative contacts a prospect directly regarding a product Critical for many push strategies, B2B products, products that are complex & expensive, & products requiring a “personal touch”

6 14-6 Types of Salespeople Order takers Technical specialists Missionary salespeople Team selling Order getters

7 14-7 Approaches to Personal Selling Transactional Marketing –The Hard Sell –Discrete transactions Relationship Selling –Winning customers –Keeping customers –Developing customers

8 14-8 The Creative Selling Process Prospecting and qualifying Preapproach Approach Sales presentation Handling objections Close Follow-up

9 14-9 Issues for Discussion Companies sometimes make a product available on deal so often that consumers think it will always have a promotion. –What are some examples of this? –Is this a good idea? –How can companies prevent this?

10 14-10 Issues for Discussion Hard selling has evolved to relationship selling. –Is the hard-sell still used? In what types of organizations? When is transactional selling still appropriate? –Give an example of relationship selling…

11 14-11 Issues for Discussion What do you think about the quality of most retail salespeople you encounter? –How can retailers improve the quality of their sales associates?

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