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Learning Objectives Begin to develop knowledge and understanding of Four Weddings and a Funeral, especially concerning “Britishness”

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1 Learning Objectives Begin to develop knowledge and understanding of Four Weddings and a Funeral, especially concerning “Britishness”

2 Discuss note-taking sheet

3 Look at individual scenes, answer this question on sugar paper How are micro elements used to construct representations of “Britishness”?

4 Character analysis Charles: –Bumbling fool (always “putting his foot in it”) –Slightly nerdy (e.g. glasses) –Witty, ironic and self-deprecating –Eccentric –Poorly organised (e.g. always late) –Charming –Shy/reserved but ultimately assertive –Polite –Unable to commit (always best man, never the groom, “you’ll never love anyone, because you never let them near you” – Henrietta) –Stereotypically upper class and British (accent, name etc)

5 Character analysis Carrie: –Acts as a contrast with Charles – American vs British characteristics –She is strong, decisive, worldly, glamorous (e.g. used to work for Vogue), sexually and emotionally confident, assertive and powerful – a “post-feminist”? Matthew and Gareth: Quiet and loud homosexual couple Henrietta: Upper class, emotionally fragile, in love with Charles Scarlett: eccentric, less upper class Hamish: Scottish politician Tom: aristocrat (7 th richest man in Britain) and stupid

6 Narrative 5 acts or stories within the story that almost stand alone in themselves Follows Todorov narrative structure, satisfying audience expectations At its core, it is a simple love story dealing with the universal themes of love, death, humour and friendship It treads a fine line as a rom com between comedy and sentimentality (melodrama)

7 Britishness Stereotypical upper and middle class British humour is used: –Witty dialogue (lots of this) –Satire/irony/sarcasm –Slapstick –Farce –Schadenfreud –Self-deprecation What other elements help construct British representation? –Traditional English wedding on 1 st May (Marquee, Champagne reception, wedding invites) –Clothes/haircuts –Accents –Setting and location (e.g. Castle, Country House –Cars (e.g. Land Rover – car of landed gentry) –Wealth Gender representation: men as emotionally cold, aloof, women as emotionally intelligent

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