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More maths grads Helen Orr Project Manager HoDoMS

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1 More maths grads Helen Orr Project Manager HoDoMS

2 What is more maths grads? A HEFCE-funded project designed to widen participation and increase the numbers of graduates from mathematical sciences.

3 More Maths Grads Is formally supported by the following mathematical societies: Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS) Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Royal Statistical Society (RSS) London Mathematical Society (LMS) Maths, Stats and Operational Research (MSOR)

4 Project Ownership University of Birmingham (Maths, Stats & OR Network)

5 Numbers in maths… Decline in A-level numbers (85,000 in 1989 down to approx 53,000 in 2004) 25% of Maths classes taught by non- mathematicians (NFER 2006) Prof. Adrian Smith: Making Mathematics Count (2004)

6 Widening Participation Is one of the strategic aims of HEFCE HEFCE’s aim is to promote and provide the opportunity of successful participation in higher education to everyone who can benefit from it. This is vital for social justice and economic competitiveness. It fits with the Every Child Matters schools’ agenda

7 HEFCE Definition of WP HEFCE definition of widening participation: “denotes activities to recruit students from the groups that HEI’s have identified as under-represented and then to ensure their success”

8 WP and the mmg Agenda Gender and age imbalance with HE Under-representation amongst certain ethnic groups

9 Schools and College Selection A number of schools and colleges were selected from three areas Aimhigher and Action on Access were involved in the selection process to ensure the schools satisfied the WP criteria

10 Engaging with Schools and Colleges Three 3 sub-regions will work with approximately seven schools/colleges per sub-region) headed by a lead HEI: West Midlands – Coventry University Yorkshire & Humberside – Leeds University London – Queen Mary, University of London Sheffield-Hallam University – focusing on HE Curriculum Development


12 Delivery Mmg will work with a diverse range of organisations to make mathematics more enjoyable, for teachers and learners. Close collaboration with national organisations such as Aimhigher and Action on Access will help ensure that the WP dimension is maintained as a key element.

13 Dissemination Strategies Low interaction High interaction Long term Short term Website Conferences Process benchmarking Activities Visits Materials made available Mentoring or coaching Networks Workshops Employer engagement Open days Consultancy Source: Learning and Skills Council (adapted)

14 Achieving best practice Practice that has demonstrably improved performance Practice that has achieved third-party validation Practice that is transferable to as many settings and practitioners as possible

15 Best practice transfer – critical success factors Confidence in the source of the best practice Sharing as an active learning process Ethos and culture Impact assessment

16 Wider benefits Collaborative sharing and learning Avoiding ‘re-inventing the wheel’ (or making the same mistake) Fresh perspectives Support network Ownership of and positive attitude to change

17 Support from Industry Employer Support: Rolls Royce PLC, Qinetiq, DSTL, Thales, Ford UK

18 What Happens Next? Area teams will be recruited in each of the three regions to work with local schools and colleges to drive up performance Exciting resources in mainstream teaching and learning programmes will be made available Free downloadable resources will be made available to enrich maths teaching

19 Queen Mary University of London 4.00 – 6.30 More maths grads Launch April 23rd

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