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Research evaluation at Charles University Research evaluation seminar, Prague, April 17, 2014.

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1 Research evaluation at Charles University Research evaluation seminar, Prague, April 17, 2014

2 Internal research support at the Charles University PRVOUK (Programs for the development of scientific disciplines) – Approx. 900 mil Kc – Supports interdisciplinar research involving more departments and faculties – Strategic development of individual branches of science – Originally meant as a replacement of former „research plans“ (VZ) – 48 project at all 17 faculties and 4 UK research institutes

3 Internal Research support at the Charles University UNCE (University Centers of Excellence) – Approx. 130 mil Kc – Supports excellent multidisciplinary teams involving students and postdocs – Originally meant as a replacement of former „research centers of the Ministry of Education“ that were abruptly cancelled endangering thus further existence of painfully built research teams – 27 Centers covering the best science available at the University – The Centers selected in an open competition

4 UNCE: selection and evaluation process Open internal competition Informal and facile preparation of the applications excellent panel of experts from within the country o No foreign experts in the panels o Insufficient time for soliciting external reviewers Worked surprisingly fine, anyway

5 Bonus Program: fixing the problems of the national science funding system Colleagues from humanities felt underrepresented and disfavoured by the RVVI evaluation system – Different publication channels – Local or national aspect of certain branches of humanities – Diadvantage when evaluating according to publications in impacted international journals Program specifically awarding distinguished books and monographies established

6 Grant Agency of the Charles University Internal Grant Agency (second in the country after GA of the Academy of Science, est. 1994) Financed through the ministry of education program on „Specific university research“ (SVVI) - approx. 170 mil. Kc Finances research initiated and performed dominantly by UK students Excellent training for students in science writing and project preparation o Rather small grants o Often written and initiated by supervisors

7 Habilitation and professorship: from just titles to science evaluation, career advancement and motivation Extensive and time consuming procedures of „habilitation“ and appointment of a professor Could be used to encourage excellence and academic mobility „inbreeding“ should be discouraged Assistant professor should be a young colleague already forming a scientific team/laboratory with proven record of excellence capable to secure funding Professor should be an internationally visible personality with a very good track record („scientific school“ -PhD students, postdocs, successful alumni)

8 There are some good news…

9 The contribution of the CU to overall production of Czech universities/Czech science

10 The contributions of the Academy of Science and CU to the overall publication count in the Web of Science (guess who is who!)

11 Chalenges ahead WE are still not good enough!! Increase international character of the University (more foreign students but also more teachers, scientists, visiting professors etc.) – Establish International Advisory Board Increase mobility, fight inbreeding Push for excellency – Novel core centers of the University such as biomedicine centers in Plzen and Hradecc Kralove, Biocev and Campus Albertov – an opportunity to be met Preserve friendly, collaborative, creative interdisciplinary atmosphere Encourage international, peer-review based evaluation of science in the Czech republic Encourage programs for excellence in the funding of Czech science (GIST)

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