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WLCG Collaboration Workshop 7 – 9 July, Imperial College, London In Collaboration With GridPP Workshop Outline, Registration, Accommodation, Social Events.

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Presentation on theme: "WLCG Collaboration Workshop 7 – 9 July, Imperial College, London In Collaboration With GridPP Workshop Outline, Registration, Accommodation, Social Events."— Presentation transcript:

1 WLCG Collaboration Workshop 7 – 9 July, Imperial College, London In Collaboration With GridPP Workshop Outline, Registration, Accommodation, Social Events etc.

2 Outline Workshop agenda (under WLCG in Indico)agenda – Wednesday: Service Issues; Storage; On-going Activities e.g. virtualization, clouds, multi-core – Thursday: Experiment “Jamborees” – Friday: Summaries from Jamborees, Key Issues & Outlook Still time to re-arrange agenda, e.g. in light of June DAam Jamboree This agenda seemed to make sense when first draft (Feb) but things naturally evolve… More details on agenda later…

3 Registration & Payment, Hotels There is a fee of £80 that covers: – Coffee breaks; Drinks Reception on first evening  Generous contribution from GridPP! Fee does not cover dinners – e.g. proposed experiment dinners on Thursday evening following Jamborees, nor lunch breaks Links on agenda page to student accommodation & hotels + maps, etc. Advice: BOOK EARLY! This helps you and also organizers!

4 Jamborees – Thursday Two hour slots (LHCb@09:00, CMS@11:00, ATLAS@14:00, ALICE#16:00) with lunch@13:00 This allows sites to attend all relevant jamborees Management permissions have been given to named people from the experiments (since Feb) to arrange agendas for their sessions – If you want additional or different names please let me know Also assumed that there will be social dinners – again organized by the experiments – on Thursday evening (see registration form) Friday morning: summaries of key issues by experiment – This implies at least one person – preferably more – who will note the key issues and report on them

5 Wednesday – Service Session WLCG Service from the point of view of Tier2s, Tier1s and Experiments Would be “natural” for the “host” sites, i.e. IC and RAL (GridPP) to coordinate these Should – as with experiment summary – be as inclusive and representative of key service issues as seen by the site(s) / experiments Tier2s in particular tend to be under-represented at GDB / MB style events: their input is essential!

6 Wednesday – Topical Issues Service Interventions: Experience with “Change Assessments” – Came out of January GDB discussion Data Access Working Group: Progress and Issues – Relevance following DAaM Jamboree? Move? Refocus? End User Analysis Support: Status & Issues – Same comment…

7 Wednesday – Storage Session Prompted by issues at a number of Tier1 sites with their storage services & discussions at February LHCC referees meeting Case studies: CNAF & PIC Panel discussion: strategies for Tier1 (and other?) storage Again, should probably be reviewed in the light of DAaM Jam in Am(ster)dam

8 Wednesday – Ongoing Activities Exposure of work on: Clouds, Virtualisation, Multi-core: presentations on on-going / planned activities Panel discussion: WLCG directions All TBD

9 Friday – Wrap-up & Segue into CB Key Issues from Jamborees Dealing with prolonged Site Downtimes – Raised at WLCG Tier1 Service Coordination meeting Workshop Summary and Outlook Workshop ends at Lunchtime and is followed by a (closed) Collaboration Board meeting

10 Where Next? We have held WLCG Collaboration workshops typically once per year, complemented by more topical events, e.g. STEP’09 post-mortem etc. An event towards end-2010 to review 2010 data taking, processing and analysis? – Not at CHEP, nor at the first EGI Technical Forum… A Collaboration workshop mid-2011? Would be nice to have a queue of volunteer sites… Need a room that can cater for 150 – 250 people, plus usual infrastructure 2012: prior to CHEP in New York?

11 Summary July workshop: Wednesday morning to Friday lunchtime Please register early! Announcement will be sent this morning to feel free to forward as widely as possible! Good attendance from experiments and sites and active discussion / networking encouraged Thanks to Imperial College and GridPP!

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