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Special Education Student Information System Project New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project 1 SESIS.

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1 Special Education Student Information System Project New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project 1 SESIS BROWN BAG SESSIONS Transportation Accommodations Approval and Home Instruction Referral Processes

2 2 Today’s Agenda  Transportation Accommodation Approval Process  Home Instruction Approval Process  System Demonstration  Questions from the Audience New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project

3 3  The OSH Physician Review: Transportation Accommodation is now a separate template (previously part of the IEP) available from the ‘Create a New Document’ dropdown list to be used if the IEP team believes the student needs transportation accommodations and it is indicated on the IEP. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project Transportation Accommodation Approval Process

4 4  The left side of the accommodations document is completed by the IEP team to indicate what accommodations they believe are needed for the student.  Once completed, the IEP team changes the status of the document to “Review”.  This populates the “OSH Physician Reviews Pending Approval” homepage report. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project Transportation Accommodation Approval Process

5 5  The transportation liaison / CFN designee accesses the “OSH Physician Reviews Pending Approval” homepage report.  The transportation liaison / CFN designee coordinates with the OSH Physician to certify approval for services including the coordination of appropriate documentation. The documentation is forwarded to the IEP team.  The IEP team faxes the physician documentation (e.g. the Request for Medical Accommodations to be Completed by the Treating Physician, part of the Social History Package) into SESIS using the fax coversheet created from the template. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project

6 6 Transportation Accommodation Approval Process  Once the documentation has been faxed into SESIS, the transportation liaison / CFN designee completes and finalizes the remainder (right side) of the OSH Physician Review: Transportation Accommodation document and sends a SESIS notification to the IEP team members.  The approval status can be viewed via the “OSH Physician Reviews Pending Approval” homepage report. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project

7 7 Transportation Accommodation Approval Process  Once the IEP has been finalized with approved transportation accommodations, the student will populate the “Recommendations for Transportation Accommodation” homepage report. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project

8 8 Home Instruction Approval Process  The system now includes a Home Instruction Referral template available from the ‘Create a New Document’ dropdown list to be completed by the IEP team and submitted for review to the Office of Home Instruction for approval.  If the IEP Team is recommending Home Instruction on the “Recommended Programs and Services “ section of the IEP, then the team should complete their section of the Home Instruction Referral form and upload supporting documentation (including Dr.’s Note indicating the medical condition and duration of the placement) using a fax coversheet created from the template. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project

9 9 Home Instruction Approval Process  One the IEP Team section of the form is completed, they change the status of the form to “Review”.  This will populate the “Status of Home Instruction Referrals Pending Approval” SESIS homepage report. (Networks and Schools both have access to the report).  The Office of Home Instruction or Borough Office of Home Instruction reviews the report, accesses the students to review the referral, approves the form and changes the status to “Final”. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project

10 10 New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project How Do I Get More Information? 10  SESIS Help Topics  SESIS Computer-Based Training Modules  SESIS Training Guides If you are located at a DOE location, use If you are not located at a DOE location, please use

11 Special Education Student Information System Project New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project 11 Questions from the Audience

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