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Introduction to the Aflatoxin Workshop in Tanzania Abt Associates, Inc. December 3, 2012.

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1 Introduction to the Aflatoxin Workshop in Tanzania Abt Associates, Inc. December 3, 2012

2 Abt Associates | pg 2 Why are we here? Aflatoxin is a poorly understood and weakly addressed risk to human, animal and plant health and welfare… which merits much greater attention from policy- makers, development practitioners, funding sources, economic actors in the food and feed system, and consumers alike. Yet little will change unless compelling evidence and analysis is compiled and presented, along with actionable solutions that are owned by stakeholders.

3 Abt Associates | pg 3 Why should we care? Aflatoxins link agriculture, health and nutrition Agriculture Health Nutrition Food Safety

4 Abt Associates | pg 4 Why should we all care? Aflatoxins are a major SPS risk SPS Risks Food Safety Animal Health Plant Health Food-borne Toxins Mycotoxins Bio-active Amines Glyco-alkaloids Aflatoxins Trichotecenes Ochratoxins Zearalenone Allergens Pesticides Microbes Additives

5 Abt Associates | pg 5 Why should we care? Aflatoxins impact greatly the most vulnrable  Poor and ultra-poor people  Immuno-compromised individuals  Elderly persons  Pregnant and lactating women  Infants during the first 1,000 days of life

6 Abt Associates | pg 6 How are we here?

7 Abt Associates | pg 7 How are we here?

8 Abt Associates | pg 8 How are we here?

9 Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa That African farmers, farm households and consumers live healthier and more prosperous lives as a result of reducing aflatoxin exposure to achieve safe levels. Vision

10 To improve the health, income, and livelihoods of African farmers, farm households and consumers, PACA seeks to address the agriculture and food security, health, and trade issues associated with aflatoxin prevalence and exposure in Africa by working at all levels (continental, national, regional and local). Mission

11 Abt Associates | pg 11 Within PACA, two pilot Country and Economic Assessments sought to …Characterize the risks and economic impacts of aflatoxin contamination… …and to identify promising opportunities for control.

12 Abt Associates | pg 12 What are the purposes of this workshop?.  Review the key findings from the country assessment and impact analysis  Identify some short-term gains that can help promote aflatoxin mitigation along each of the three pillars.  Identify some long-term steps and policy champions that can follow up with certain key interventions identified by the group as being a priority for longer term action planning.  Agree on an aflatoxin coordinating body which will provide future guidance on aflatoxin action steps for the country.

13 Abt Associates | pg 13 To achieve those purposes we first need to…  Consider likely losses in trade, human health and food security and nutrition using economic data and results of the aflatoxin prevalence tests completed through PACA.  Identify aflatoxin contamination risk along the value chain of susceptible crops  Discuss some of the most promising solutions and remedies to address these risks  Prioritize key actions for aflatoxin prevention/containment and mitigation in the areas of trade, human health, food security and nutrition, i.e. the “three pillars” of PACA

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