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Epiphany Lutheran Church Call Committee Meeting – Congregational Survey Results September 18, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Epiphany Lutheran Church Call Committee Meeting – Congregational Survey Results September 18, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epiphany Lutheran Church Call Committee Meeting – Congregational Survey Results September 18, 2011

2 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Agenda  Call to Order  Opening Devotion & Prayer  Congregational Survey Results  Questions  Closing Prayer  Adjourn

3 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 A Thought for Today Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work." John 4:34

4 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Members Background History Results

5 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Voting Members Lynne Cheney, Bruce DeSoto (Chairman), Becky Durham, Darwin Hesebeck, Kyla Sikorski, Katharyn Wheeler Non-Voting Members Ralph Neeper, Becki O’Loughlin, Denise Shoemaker (Secretary), Jessica Stokes McNeil Call Committee Members

6 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey The Congregational Survey was created to assist the Call Committee in developing the Congregational Profile and to gain a better understanding of what the congregation is seeking in calling a new pastor The survey was provided to the congregation on 2 June (both in electronic & paper format) The initial date for surveys to be returned was 26 June The date was extended to 10 July to allow for additional participation – initial response was low The survey was closed on 10 July Background

7 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Total of 165 surveys were provided to the congregation (both voting & non-voting members) Call Committee convened on 19 July to validate submissions 77 surveys were returned (19 paper & 58 on-line) Seven surveys could not be validated for the following reasons: No responses; no control number; duplicate surveys Total of 70 surveys were validated – 42.4% participation History

8 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Results – Pastor Background (1 response allowed) Gender of Pastor Majority of responses had no preference (79%) Preferred a male (20%) Age of Pastor Majority of responses had no preference (53%) Preferred age 40-60 (37%) Marital Status of Pastor Majority of responses had no preference (83%) Preferred married (17%)

9 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Results – Pastor Background (Up to 2 responses) Amount of Career Experience of Pastor Majority of responses preferred at least one prior pastoral call (42%) No preference (37%) Preferred a first call candidate (5%) Employment Expectation of Pastor Majority of responses preferred full time (51%) Preferred part time with Sunday & two days (21%) Preferred shared with other congregation (16%) No preference (12%) Language of Pastor Majority of responses preferred English (51%) No preference (24%) Preferred bilingual (20%)

10 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Important Professional Qualities In A Pastor – Five survey questions – Top seven responses will be considered in the Congregational Profile –Preaching/Worship Leadership –Interpreter of Theology –Spiritual Development –Building Sense of Community/Congregational Climate –Ministering in Crisis –Communication Skills –Children’s Ministry Results – Professional Qualities

11 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey I would support calling an openly gay/lesbian pastor that abstains from a sexual relationship. 52% of the responses said no 24% of the responses had no preference I would support calling an openly gay/lesbian pastor that is part of a publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship. 56% of the responses said no 19% of the responses had no preference Results – Sexuality Questions

12 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey 1) What current strengths does Epiphany possess that you would like to either see maintained or developed in the immediate future? –Sense of community –Warm, friendly, caring atmosphere –Fellowship –Leadership –Study Results – Open Ended Question (Current Strengths)

13 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey Results – Open Ended Question (Short-Term) 2) What are the main things you would like the congregation to accomplish or get involved in within the next three to five years? –Outreach –Growth in size –Financial Security –Active members/membership –Fellowship

14 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey 3) What current church problems/issues concern you and how do you see them changing? –Financial security –Lack of growth –Lack of member participation –Not engaging Youth/Young Adults –Keeping leadership fresh Results – Open Ended Question (Current Issues)

15 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey 4) Would you like to see the church's membership grow and what would be the advantages and disadvantages of growing? Yes – 52 No – 3 AdvantagesDisadvantages - More resources-money & volunteers- Loss of family feeling -More ideas- Limited space -Stability -Living into Mission/Purpose -Afford a full-time pastor -More Outreach/Evangelism Results – Open Ended Question (Church Growth)

16 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey 5) What special issue(s) would you like the Call Committee to consider? Committee will prayerfully consider all responses as we develop the Congregational Profile. Results – Open Ended Question (Other Considerations)

17 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Congregational Survey QUESTIONS ???

18 Congregational Survey - Sep 18, 2011 Adjourn Go In Peace Share the Good News Serve the Lord

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