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A Systemic Approach for Effective Semantic Access to Cultural Content Ilianna Kollia, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Nasos Drosopoulos and George Stamou Presenter:

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Presentation on theme: "A Systemic Approach for Effective Semantic Access to Cultural Content Ilianna Kollia, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Nasos Drosopoulos and George Stamou Presenter:"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Systemic Approach for Effective Semantic Access to Cultural Content Ilianna Kollia, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Nasos Drosopoulos and George Stamou Presenter: Shima Dastgheib

2 Digital Cultural Heritage  Digital evolution of the Cultural Heritage Field has grown rapidly in the last few years  Books, photographs, audio-visual material, etc

3 a single point of access to European Cultural Heritage

4 semantic interoperability What? The common automatic interpretation of the meaning of the exchanged information Why? Diversity of content types and of metadata schemas used to annotate the content

5 Steps towards “common understanding”  a representation language that exchanges the formal semantics of the information: RDF,OWL,SKOS  reasoning tools, ontology querying engines

6 mapping to a common data model at the Europeana level:  European Semantic Element (ESE) : Dublin Core-based  European Data Model(EDM): enable the linking of data and to connect and enrich descriptions in accordance with the Semantic Web developments

7 Proposed System  To improve user experience, more detailed semantic description of content is needed.  Semantic query answering : answer queries based not only on string matching but also on implicit meaning  Reasoning based on domain terminological knowledge  Content metadata is terminologically described and semantically connected with other information  The key is to semantically connect metadata with ontological domain knowledge via appropriate mapping

8 System Architecture

9 EDM re-uses from the following namespaces  RDF and RDFS  The OAI Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE)  SKOS  The Dublin Core namespaces

10 Metadata Aggregation and Semantic Enrichment Workflow Normalized Values Metadata transformatio n Ingested metadata Aggregate d metadata Semantic repositor y Harvesting, Delivery Schema Mapping Value Mapping Revision, Annotation Semantic Enrichment

11 Query Answering  SPARQL (the W3C query language for RDF)  The answers are tuples of individuals stored in the semantic repository, satisfying the constraints expressed in the body of the query

12 Evaluation  Metadata aggregation  Questionnaires, interviews  Query Answering:  Computational cost is affordable with small size knowledge base, but excessive when dealing with large scale data

13 Conclusion  All over the world, cultural institutions have been digitizing their collections of books, manuscripts, videos, etc  Different metadata schemas are used to annotate the digitized material  Europeana, provides access to the distributed content through collection of contributing metadata schemas.  semantic interoperability has a key role  Scalability should be improved


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