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Presentation on theme: "SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY Learning to THINK like a SCIENTIST!!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Designing an Experiment Designing an experiments starts with what? Observation! What’s an observation? What do we use to make them? We use our Five Senses to make an observation! Then a question regarding that observation is asked. The PROBLEM QUESTION From there you must figure out a way to collect data that will help answer your question.

3 The PROBLEM QUESTION… Before you ask this question you must know what VARIABLES you are working with. Every experiment has two variables: INDEPENDENT and DEPENDENT

4 INDEPENDENT VARIABLE This is the variable that you will be controlling (changing) in the experiment. This is the variable that might effect the results of the experiment.

5 DEPENDENT VARIABLE This is what you will be measuring in the experiment. This is the variable that gives you the data you will be collecting.

6 Warm Up Question Let’s find out how well you study!!! Without looking at your notes, What is the difference between the Independent Variable and the Dependent Variable?

7 Airplane Experiment You have 3 minutes to build the best paper airplane with a sheet of notebook paper. No tape, paper clips etc. can be used. You will launch in the back of the room in groups of 4. You will throw it 3 times. The person the most distance goes on to the final round. The finalists will then compete against each other to find the winning airplane.

8 Airplane Demonstration In the airplane exercise we just did, what was the I.V. and D.V.? I.V.= the different modifications you made to the plane. Because you controlled what changes to make. D.V. Distance the plane traveled. Because we can measure how far it traveled.

9 Let’s Practice… Pepper Lab You want to grow some big peppers this summer, but you do not know which fertilizer will make them grow biggest. So, you set up five rows of peppers. Here is what you put on each row: 1. Cow poop 2. Miracle Grow 3. Nitrogen 4. Nothing 5. Compost

10 Let’s Practice… Pepper Lab You want to grow some big peppers this summer, but you do not know which fertilizer will make them grow biggest. So, you set up five rows of peppers. QUESTION: What is the I.V. ? What is the D.V.?

11 ANSWER… I.V. = type of fertilizer Because it is what we are controlling/changing. D.V. = size of the peppers Because this is what we are measuring.

12 Let’s Practice Some More… Tea Lab You want to know if sugar will dissolve faster in cold or hot tea. QUESTION: What is the I.V. ? What is the D.V.?

13 ANSWER… I.V. = temperature of the tea Because it is what we are controlling/changing. D.V. = time it takes the sugar to dissolve. Because this is what we are measuring.

14 Setting Up a Data Tables When you make a data table: the I.V. always goes on the LEFT the D.V. always goes on the RIGHT 12341234 20 21 22 23

15 The PROBLEM QUESTION… Now that you know what variables are, you can write the problem question for the experiment!!! Follow this formula: What is the effect of the _________ on the ________?

16 Let’s Practice… Tea Lab Write the problem question for the pepper experiment. ANSWER: What is the effect of the type of fertilizer on the size of the peppers?

17 Let’s Practice Some More… Tea Lab Write the problem question for the hot and cold tea experiment. ANSWER: What is the effect of the temperature of the tea on how much time it takes the sugar to dissolve?

18 Designing an Experiment Starts with an observation. Then a question regarding that observation is asked. The PROBLEM QUESTION From there you must figure out a way to collect data that will help answer your question. The PROCEDURE

19 Designing an Experiment Next, you think about what you expect the outcome to be. This is done BEFORE the experiment and is based on your prior knowledge of the situation. (NOT a guess!!!) The HYPOTHESIS: An “Educated Prediction” not a guess!

20 The HYPOTHESIS… Follow this formula: If _________________________ Then the ___________ will _________________________

21 Let’s Practice… Airplane Lab Write the problem question for the Airplane Lab. ANSWER: What is the effect of the different types of modifications on the distance the plane travels?

22 Let’s Practice… Write a hypothesis for the pepper experiment. ANSWER: IF the type of fertilizer is cow poop Then the size of the peppers will increase.

23 Let’s Practice Some More… Write a hypothesis for the hot and cold tea experiment. ANSWER: If the temperature of the tea increases Then the time it takes the sugar to dissolve will stay the same.

24 Designing an Experiment Now you know how to: Make an Observation Determine the I.V. and the D.V. Write a Problem Question Write a Hypothesis But, there’s more to understand here…

25 Constants and Controls In every experiment you can only change one variable. The rest must be held constant. A constant is something that stays the same throughout the lab. What was the constant in the Airplane Lab? Where you stood during your throw! The control group is… the part of the lab that we use to compare our results to! No changes are made to the control in the lab! (Usually the original) What was the control in the Airplane Lab? The First throw!

26 The CONTROL GROUP… You will collect data from this group, BUT it does not have any of the I.V. Challenge… What is the control group in the fertilizer experiment??? Answer: The row without any fertilizer!!!

27 Identifying Controls and Variables Smithers thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smithers counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks. 1. Independent Variable 2. Dependent Variable 3. Control Group

28 Answers… I.V. which group gets the special juice D.V. how many stacks of papers each group has made. Control is Group B because the did not get the special juice. We can compare the results to this group!

29 Identifying Controls and Variables Homer notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Barney tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. Homer decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower with water as always. After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower. 1. Independent Variable 2. Dependent Variable 3. Control Group

30 Answers… I.V. which side of the shower was sprayed with what substance. D.V. the appearance of the green slime in the shower Control the side of the shower that was sprayed with water.

31 Identifying Controls and Variables Bart believes that mice exposed to microwaves will become extra strong (maybe he's been reading too much Radioactive Man). He decides to perform this experiment by placing 10 mice in a microwave for 10 seconds. He compared these 10 mice to another 10 mice that had not been exposed. His test consisted of a heavy block of wood that blocked the mouse food. he found that 8 out of 10 of the microwaved mice were able to push the block away. 7 out of 10 of the non- microwaved mice were able to do the same. 1.Independent Variable 2.Dependent Variable 3. Control Group

32 Answers… I.V. Which mice were microwaved or not. D.V If they could move the heavy wood block or not. Control The mice that were non-microwaved.

33 Experimental Design Mission

34 Your mission… For each of the following experiments write: 1.The independent variable 2.The dependent variable 3.A problem question/statement 4.A hypothesis 5. Control group

35 Experiment #1 So that I am not wasting money, I want to find out what kind of bone is my dog’s favorite. I buy five different bones and leave out his original bone; then I keep track of the amount of time my dog spends with each bone.

36 Dog Bone Answers 1.The independent variable- Different types of dog bones 2.The dependent variable- amount of time the dog spends with the bone 3.A problem question/statement- What is the effect of the different types of dog bones on the amount of time the dog spends with the bone? 4.A hypothesis- If the dog likes a certain type of bone given to him then the amount of time the dogs spends with the bone will increase. 5. Control group- The original bone

37 Experiment #2 A study is being conducted to find out if students who eat a healthy breakfast before school perform better academically. One group of students is given no breakfast. A second group is fed junk food, and a third group is fed a healthy breakfast. The students are then given a test.

38 Breakfast and Test Scores 1.The independent variable- The different types of breakfast consumed 2.The dependent variable- test scores 3.A problem question/statement- What is the effect of the different types of breakfast consumed by students on their test scores? 4.A hypothesis- If a student eats a healthy breakfast then their test scores will increase. 5. Control group- No breakfast

39 Experiment #3 While baking cookies I notice that the bottom of my cookies are burning and the tops of the cookies are still mushy. I want to see if changing the type of cooking pan will make my cookies come out better. For one batch I use the same pan as always, for the second I use one that is nonstick, and for the third I line it with aluminum foil.

40 Cookies 1.The independent variable- Different types of cookie pans 2.The dependent variable- the taste and form of the cookies 3.A problem question/statement- What is the effect of the different types of cookie pans on the taste and form of the cookies? 4.A hypothesis- If the pan lined with aluminum foil is used then the taste and form of the cookies will increase in satisfaction. 5. Control group- The original pan

41 Warm up Question What is the difference between a control and a constant? A constant is something that stays the same throughout the lab. The control group is the part of the lab that we use to compare our results to! No changes are made to the control in the lab! (Usually the original) Why is the control important in a lab? It allows us to compare the variables in the lab!

42 Air Freshener Experiment #4 I see a commercial on T.V. that claims this product removes bad odors better than any other. I decide to try the product and see if it really works on bad odors. For the first week I use Febreeze, for the second I use Oust, for the third week I use Glade plug-in and for the fourth week, unfortunately I use nothing.

43 The Stink- Eliminator Experiment 1.The independent variable- Different types of air freshener 2.The dependent variable- the amount of odor removed 3.A problem question/statement- What is the effect of the different types of air freshener on the amount of odor removed? 4.A hypothesis- If the air freshener used is Febreeze then the amount of odor removed will increase. 5. Control group- No air freshener

44 Warm up Question What is the difference between a control and a constant? Please give an example of each from the different labs we did in class. (Airplane, pepper, dog bones, baking pans)

45 Writing a conclusion to an experiment… A conclusion is how you will share the overall results of your experiment. Every conclusion needs to have the following FIVE items… 1.The PURPOSE of the experiment 2.The HYPOTHESIS 3.What the data showed (results statement) 4.Data (numbers) to support the results statement. (use at least 3 examples) 5. If the data supported, did not support, or was not clear about the hypothesis.

46 Writing a PURPOSE… Use the formula: The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effect of the (I.V.) on the (D.V.).

47 Pepper Lab Data Type of fertilizer (I.V)Size of Peppers (D.V.) Cow poop4 inches Miracle Grow1 inch Nitrogen2 inches Nothing6 inches Compost5inches

48 Pepper Conclusion Example Title-The Pepper Experiment 1. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effects of the different fertilizers on the size of the peppers. 2. My hypothesis was if I use cow poop, then my peppers will increase in size. 3. The data showed that although cow poop perppers did grow the group with nothing grew more. 4. The data showed that with cow poop the peppers grew to 4 inches but with nothing they grew to 6 inches. Cow poop peppers did grow more than the group with miracle grow to 1 inch. 5. The data did NOT support my hypothesis.

49 Breakfast Lab Type of BreakfastTest Scores No Breakfast72% Junk Food84.3% Healthy breakfast94.5% Write a conclusion for the Breakfast Lab using this data. I.V. types of breakfast D.V. test scores

50 Breakfast Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of the different types of breakfasts on the test scores. My hypothesis was that if I eat a healthy breakfast then my test scores will increase. The students who ate a healthy breakfast scored the best. The data showed that with no breakfast the test scores averaged a 72%, but with a healthy breakfast test scores averaged a 94.5%. The data did support my hypothesis.

51 Air freshener Lab Type of Air FreshenerDays of smelling good Febreeze4 days out of a week Oust6 days out of a week Glade Plug-in2 days out of a week Nothing0 days out of a week Write a conclusion for the air freshener Lab using this data. I.V. types of air fresheners D.V. days the room smelled good

52 Air freshener Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to find the effect of the different types of air fresheners on the amount of days the room smelled good. My hypothesis was that if I use frebreeze then stink of the room would decrease. The data showed that with no air freshener there were zero days of smelling good, but with frebreeze the room smelled good for four days. The data did support my hypothesis.

53 Flatulence Experiment The crazy science department wanted to see what types of food would make them the most gassy. First they tried bake beans. The next day they tried broccoli. The following day they tried cabbage. They also took data without eating any food.

54 YOUR MISSION….. For each of the following experiments write: 1.The independent variable 2.The dependent variable 3.A problem question 4.A hypothesis 5. Control group

55 The Data (copy this down) Types of Food Amount of Flatulence No Food13 Flatulence Baked Beans41 Flatulence Broccoli34 Flatulence Cabbage26 Flatulence

56 Flatulence Experiment IV- The type of food eaten DV- The amount of Flatulence Problem Question- What is the effect of the type of food eaten on the amount of Flatulence ? Hypothesis- If the type of food eaten is baked beans then the amount of Flatulence will increase. Control Group- No food

57 YOUR MISSION…. Write the conclusion for the Flatulence experiment. Every conclusion needs to have the following FIVE items… 1.The PURPOSE of the experiment 2.The HYPOTHESIS 3.What the data showed (results statement) 4. Data (numbers) to support the results statement. Remember to use two examples. Maximum and minimum. 5. If the data supported, did not support, or was not clear about the hypothesis.

58 Flatulence Experiment Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to find the effect of the different types of food eaten on the amount of Flatulence produced. The hypothesis was that if the food eaten was baked beans that the amount of Flatulence produced would increase. The data showed that any food increased the amount of farts.The data showed that with no food the amount of Flatulence was 13, but with the use of baked beans the Flatulence increased to 41. There was an increase of 28 Flatulence. The data supported the hypothesis.

59 CaCl 2 Experiment Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to find out the effect of different amounts of CaCl 2 on the temperature of the water. My hypothesis was if the amount of Cacl 2 is increased then the temperature of the water will increase. The data showed that the temperature did increase. At 0 scoops of CaCl 2 the temperature was 20.4 o Celsius. When I added one scoop it was 21.2 o, 2 scoops 22.3 o and the temperature continued to increase. The data supported my hypothesis.

60 1. Every experiment starts with: A.Hypothesis B.Problem question C.Observation D.procedure

61 2. A control group is when there is no independent variable and…. A.When it is the first of something B.The original of something C.Nothing D.When the dependent variable is not measurable

62 3. When setting up a data table the dependent variable always goes on the_____. A.Top B.Bottom C.Left D.Right

63 4. Ms. Webb is making changes to her apple crisp recipe and wants to see what the best amount of sugar is for the flakiest crust. The independent variable is: A.The flaky crust B.The taste C.The amount of sugar D.The apples

64 5. Ms. Webb is making changes to her apple crisp recipe and wants to see what the best amount of sugar is for the flakiest crust. The control group is: A.Amount of sugar B.Initial flaky crust C.Original amount of sugar D.rainbows

65 6. What is one thing that needs to be held constant in the apple crisp experiment? A.The oven temperature B.The amount of sugar C.Different amount of butter D.Sprinkling cinnamon

66 7. True or False: For a hypothesis you can just write the I.V in the formula. A.True B.false

67 8. True of False: It doesn’t matter how you write the problem questions just as long as it ends with a question mark. A.True B.False

68 9. A shoe company is conducting an experiment where they are giving football players different brands of shoes to see if the shoes have an effect on how fast they can run 100 yards. D.V is: A.Type of shoes B.Height of shoes C.Speed of player D.Distance ran

69 10. For the type of shoe and football experiment a good hypothesis is: A.If the speed of the player is fastest than the shoe is good. B.If the type of shoe is Nike then the speed of the player will increase. C.If the height of the shoes is taken into consideration then the shoe will be better.

70 11. Problem question for shoe/football experiment: A.What is the effect of the type of shoe on the speed of the player? B.How will the shoe affect the speed? C.What is the effect of the speed on the shoe? D.Why are nike’s the best?

71 12. Write the purpose for the shoe experiment. A.It was to tell which shoe was the fastest B.The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of the type of shoe on the speed of the player. C.The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of the shoe on the player. 30

72 13. True or False: When writing a hypothesis is it okay to write, increase, decrease, and stay the same? A.True B.False 30

73 14. What is it called when there is a step by step list of how you will collect data that is needed to answer the problem question? A.Independent variable B.Dependent variable C.Purpose D.procedure 30

74 15. Ms. Webb did not sleep at all last night. She wants to figure out how many cups of coffee will it take for her to be her normal chipper self. The I.V is: A.Amount of cups B.Her bed C.Her pleasant disposition 30

75 16. The D.V is: A.Her normal disposition B.The amount of cups C.How long it takes to make the coffee 30

76 17. A good problem question would be: A.What is the effect of the amounts of coffee on Ms. Webb’s disposition? B.What is the effect of Ms. Webb’s disposition on the coffee? C.How much coffee will it take to make her hyper? 30

77 18. Hypothesis? A.If the amount of coffee is increased then Ms. Webb’s disposition will be the way it normally is. B.If the type of coffee is folgers she will fall asleep. C.Ms. Webb’s disposition will get better with every cup of coffee she drinks. 30

78 19. What would be the control group? A.Folgers B.Dunkin Donuts C.Starbucks D.No coffee 30

79 20. True or False: You need to back up your results in a conclusion with 3 pieces of data #’s A.True B.False 30

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