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THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The Spinal Nerves. 1. General Description  31 Pairs of Spinal Nerves Cervical Nerves : 8 pairs Thoracic Nerves : 12 pairs.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The Spinal Nerves. 1. General Description  31 Pairs of Spinal Nerves Cervical Nerves : 8 pairs Thoracic Nerves : 12 pairs."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. General Description  31 Pairs of Spinal Nerves Cervical Nerves : 8 pairs Thoracic Nerves : 12 pairs Lumbar Nerves : 5 pairs Sacral Nerves : 5 pairs Coccygeal Nerves : 1 pair 1. General Description  31 Pairs of Spinal Nerves Cervical Nerves : 8 pairs Thoracic Nerves : 12 pairs Lumbar Nerves : 5 pairs Sacral Nerves : 5 pairs Coccygeal Nerves : 1 pair

3  Two Roots of Spinal Nerves – Anterior Root: motor fibers – Posterior Root: sensory fibers

4  Four Types of Fibers in Spinal Nerves – The Somatic afferent (sensory) Fibers - The Visceral afferent (sensory) Fibers – The Somatic efferent (motor) Fibers - The Visceral efferent (motor) Fibers  Four Types of Fibers in Spinal Nerves – The Somatic afferent (sensory) Fibers - The Visceral afferent (sensory) Fibers – The Somatic efferent (motor) Fibers - The Visceral efferent (motor) Fibers

5  Four Branches of a Spinal Nerves – Anterior Branch Posterior Branch – Meningeal Branch Communicating Branches Four Branches of a Spinal Nerves

6  Four Plexuses – Cervical Plexus – Brachial Plexus – Lumbar Plexus – Sacral Plexus The thoracic nerves are separated from each other.

7 The cervical Plexus The Formation of the Cervical Plexus : The anterior branches of the 1 st to 4 th cervical nerves (C 1~4 )

8 The Superficial Branches ( sternocleidomastoid m.) The Superficial Branches ( sternocleidomastoid m.) The lesser occipital nerve The great auricular nerve The transverse nerve of neck The supraclavicular nerves

9 The Deep Branches The Deep Branches – The phrenic nerve

10 The Brachial Plexus (scalene fissure, axilla)  formation: root(C5 – T1) trunk division cord division cord

11 branches and distribution Brachial plexus : the long thoracic Brachial plexus : the long thoracic the musculocutaneous nerve the musculocutaneous nerve lateral cord lateral pectoral nerve lateral cord lateral pectoral nerve the median nerve the median nerve Medial cord the ulnar nerve Medial cord the ulnar nerve medial pectoral nerve medial pectoral nerve the radial nerve the radial nerve Posterior cord the axillary nerve Posterior cord the axillary nerve the thoracodorsal nerve the thoracodorsal nerve

12 the musculocutaneous n. the axillary n. the long thoracic n. medial pectoral n. lateral pectoral n. median n. the ulnar n. the radial n. the thoracodorsal n.

13 the long thoracic n. serratus anterior the musculocutaneous nerve anterior group of the arm the musculocutaneous nerve anterior group of the arm lateral pectoral nerv the pectoralis major medial pectoral nerv pectoralis minor the median nerve the most of anterior group of the forearm and part muscles of hand forearm and part muscles of hand the ulnar nerve the part of anterior group of the forearm and part muscles of hand forearm and part muscles of hand the radial nerve posterior group of arm and posterior the radial nerve posterior group of arm and posterior group of the forearm group of the forearm the axillary nerve deltoid the thoracodorsal nerve latissimus dorsi the thoracodorsal nerve latissimus dorsi





18 Radial Nerve

19 The Anterior Branches of the Thoracic Nerves —— Intercostal and subcostal nerve

20 The segmental distribution of the anterior branches of the thoracic nerves T2: the sternal angleT8: the costal arch T4: the nippleT10: the umbilicus T6: the xiphoid process T12: the anterior superior iliac spin

21 The Lumbar Plexus The formation of the lumbar plexus: The formation of the lumbar plexus: T 12 (part)+L 1~3 +L 4 (part) T 12 (part)+L 1~3 +L 4 (part)

22 The branches of the lumbar plexus The iliohypogastric nerve The femoral nerve The ilioinguinal nerve The obturator nerve The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve The genitofemoral nerve



25 The Sacral Plexus The formation of the sacral plexus The formation of the sacral plexus The lumbosacral trunk(L 4~5 )+S 1~5 +Co The lumbosacral trunk(L 4~5 )+S 1~5 +Co

26 The branches of the sacral plexus – The superior gluteal n. – The inferior gluteal n. – The pudendal n. The anal nerves The perineal nerve The dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris penis or clitoris - The posterior femoral - The posterior femoral cutaneous n. cutaneous n.

27 The sciatic nerve (Poplited fossa) The tibial nerve The tibial nerve (hook-like foot) (hook-like foot) The common peroneal The common peroneal nerve nerve (talipes equinovarus) The superficial peroneal nerve nerve The deep peroneal nerve



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