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31 pairs of spinal nerves Nerves consist of:

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1 31 pairs of spinal nerves Nerves consist of:
Epineurium- Dense layer of collagen fibers that surrounds a peripheral nerve. Perineurium- Connective tissue partition that separates adjacent bundles of nerve fibers in a peripheral nerve. Endoneurium- Delicate network of connective tissue fibers that surrounds individual nerve fibers.

2 Figure 13.8 A Peripheral Nerve

3 Spinal nerves White ramus- Nerve bundle containing the myelinated preganglionic axons of sympathetic motor neurons en route to the sympathetic chain or to a collateral ganglion. Ganglion/ganglia- Collection of neuron cell bodies outside of the CNS. Gray ramus- Bundle of postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that are distributed to effectors in the body wall, skin, and limbs via a spinal nerve. Dorsal ramus- Contains somatic motor and visceral motor fibers that innervate the skin and skeletal muscles of the back. Ventral ramus- Supplies ventrolateral body surface, structures in the body wall, and the limbs. Each pair of nerves monitors one dermatome. Dermatome- Sensory region monitored by the dorsal rami of a single spinal segment.

4 Figure 13.9 Peripheral Distribution of Spinal Nerves
Figure 13.9a

5 Figure 13.9 Peripheral Distribution of Spinal Nerves
Figure 13.9b

6 Figure 13.10 Dermatomes Anterior (a) and posterior
(b) distributions of dermatomes on the surface of the skin. Figure 13.10

7 Nerve plexus Complex interwoven network of nerves Four large plexuses:
Cervical plexus- Consist of the ventral rami of spinal nerves C1-C5. Branches innervate the muscles of the neck and extend into the thoracic cavity, where they control the diaphragmatic muscles. Brachial plexus-Innervates the pectoral girdle and upper limb, with contributions from the ventral rami of spinal nerves C3-T1. Lumbar plexus and Sacral plexus -Arise from the lumbar (T12-L4) and sacral (L4-S4) segments of the spinal cord, respectively, and innervate the pelvic girdle and lower limbs.

8 Figure 13.11 Peripheral Nerves and Nerve Plexus

9 Figure 13.12 The Brachial Plexus

10 Figure 13.13 The Branchial Plexus
Figure 13.13a, b

11 Figure 13.13 The Branchial Plexus
Figure 13.13c

12 Figure 13.14 The Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
Figure 13.14a, b

13 Figure 13.14 The Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
Figure 13.14c, d

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