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NISOD 2011 Student Success – From the Starting Gate to the Finish Line.

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Presentation on theme: "NISOD 2011 Student Success – From the Starting Gate to the Finish Line."— Presentation transcript:

1 NISOD 2011 Student Success – From the Starting Gate to the Finish Line

2 Center for Community College Student Engagement I I’m Ready for College! Video Removed

3 Center for Community College Student Engagement  Quantitative  CCSSE  CCFSSE  SENSE  Qualitative  Initiative on Student Success / Starting Right Center for Community College Student Engagement

4 CCSSE: Listening to Students 9 years 754 colleges Almost 2 million students 49 states, Bermuda, British Columbia, Northern Marianas, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Marshall Islands

5 SENSE & Starting Right : Listening to Entering Students 4 years 232 colleges Represents 1.6 million students 37 states, District of Columbia, Marshall Islands, Mariana Islands 124 Focus Groups & 70 Interviews

6 Entering students are highly motivated, are committed to achieving their academic goals, and sincerely believe they will. Center for Community College Student Engagement

7 90% …of new students responding to the SENSE survey say they believe they have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college. Center for Community College Student Engagement

8 I Why College? Video Removed

9 Center for Community College Student Engagement Welcome to college! Video Removed

10 Center for Community College Student Engagement We wear them down! Video Removed

11 Center for Community College Student Engagement We expect them to understand… Video Removed

12 Students don’t know what they don’t know… but we think they should…and we behave as though they do! Center for Community College Student Engagement

13 The students in our focus groups who reported the best experience registering at their college had something in common. What was it? Center for Community College Student Engagement

14 What entering students are telling us: During their first 3 weeks… Fewer than half participated in on- campus orientation.

15 85% …of new students responding to the SENSE survey say they’re academically prepared for college. Center for Community College Student Engagement

16 I I Think I’m Ready… Video Removed

17 B ased on placement tests entering students report: 75% of students surveyed placed into at least one developmental class. 13% needed remediation in all 3 areas Center for Community College Student Engagement

18 During the first 3 weeks of college … 43% came to class unprepared at least once. More than one-quarter of students skipped class at least once. Almost one-quarter did not turn in an assignment at least once. Center for Community College Student Engagement

19 Falling behind… Video Removed

20 Center for Community College Student Engagement  …of our students leave before the start of their second year. 50%

21 Center for Community College Student Engagement  Helping students succeed through the equivalent of the first semester (12–15 credit hours) can dramatically improve subsequent success rates.  Helping students complete their first developmental course can dramatically improve subsequent success rates.

22 In your role at the college, what do you think makes the most significant impact on student success? How do you know? Center for Community College Student Engagement

23 What do students say is the most important college service? Academic Advising & Planning 90%

24 Center for Community College Student Engagement Yet… 46% …say they never saw an advisor (or really aren’t sure…)

25 Center for Community College Student Engagement Video Removed

26 Younger students are less likely to… Use academic advising/planning Seek career counseling Seek financial aid advising

27 Center for Community College Student Engagement Engaging students in their learning… More than 30% asked questions in class or contributed to discussion only once or NEVER Almost half worked with other students in class once or NEVER

28 Center for Community College Student Engagement It’s about good teaching… Video Removed

29 Center for Community College Student Engagement During the 1 st 3 weeks of class… More than half (55%) of students responding to the SENSE survey said they received prompt feedback about their performance once or NEVER

30 Do you know how you’re doing? Video Removed

31 I Need Help, But… 85% never met with a tutor. 94% never used online tutoring. 65% never went to the writing or math lab. 25% never asked an instructor for help.

32 Center for Community College Student Engagement I I Need Help, But… Video Removed

33 Students don’t do optional!! Center for Community College Student Engagement

34 I I’m Getting Help! Video Removed

35 Let’s Talk About… The “M” Word

36 What Matters Most for Student Success? Center for Community College Student Engagement

37 Imagine Success! Students Persist When They: Are active & engaged learners Feel connected to the college Navigate successfully through college systems, processes and procedures Make a connection between now and their future (setting goals) Establish meaningful relationships with faculty, staff and peers

38 Some Observations about Entering Students Students experience culture shock and academic shock. Students don’t know what they don’t know…but we expect them to! You have to ask to be told…but what if you don’t know what to ask? Center for Community College Student Engagement

39 Observations about Entering Students Orientation is necessary…and students want to meet faculty and other students before classes start. Students don’t consider it “advising” when someone simply helps them sign up for class. Students feel disconnected. “They didn’t notice me when I got here, they didn’t notice me when I left.” Center for Community College Student Engagement

40 What does this mean for us? Create an “on-ramp” to college life. Streamline registration – help students understand the “what” and the “why.” Make everything more personal – show them we care! If we know what students need – make it mandatory! Center for Community College Student Engagement

41 Questions to consider: What is one change the college could make that you believe would have a significant impact on improving student success? What is one change you could make? Center for Community College Student Engagement

42 High Performing Colleges …make student engagement inescapable! Imagine Success!

43 Center for Community College Student Engagement I Inescapable learning… Video Removed

44 Center for Community College Student Engagement Tools to Help You Examples from Member Colleges Course feedback and class observation forms Student Focus Group Toolkit (can be adapted for faculty and staff focus groups) Video clips Accreditation toolkit Survey special-focus modules

45 Center for Community College Student Engagement For more information: Arleen Arnsparger Project Manager Initiative on Student Success Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE)

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