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1 UNDP & Career Opportunities Israel, December 2009.

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1 1 UNDP & Career Opportunities Israel, December 2009

2 2 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) The UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.

3 3 Democratic Governance Poverty Reduction Crisis Prevention & Recovery HIV/AIDS Environment and Energy 2 cross-cutting themes: Women's Empowerment Capacity Development Flagship: The Human Development Report Practice Areas

4 4 What Does UNDP Value? C ommitment to working with the world’s most marginalized peoples. Flexibility, creativity, and lateral thinking skills Relevant development experience Integrity and respect for diversity

5 5 Entry Point Opportunities in UNDP… Policy/Project Personnel (FTAs) Temporary Appointments (TAs) Young professionals (LEAD) Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) Special Service Agreements (SSAs) United Nations Volunteers (UNVs)

6 6 Junior Professional Programme (JPO) Usually under 32 years of age (35 for SARCs) Provides young professionals with hands-on experience in multilateral development assistance Qualifications: Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a development related discipline; language skills, excellent IT skills, minimum of 1-2 years working experience in a developing country is desirable Apply directly to the respective government’s authorities JPO Website :

7 7 Up to four-year programme: orientation/induction variety of assignments good supervision mentoring assessment/feedback development/growth virtual development academy LEAD Programme (Young Professionals Recruitment Programme)

8 8 LEAD Programme What are we looking for? Talented, motivated, results oriented and energetic individuals with a strong commitment to development Ability to share and leverage useful knowledge and mobilise resources and partnerships and work effectively in a multicultural environment. A post-graduate masters degree 5 years relevant work experience, preferably field-based. English and at least one other UN official working language Under 35 years of age Website:

9 9 Applying for Jobs at UNDP All applicants need to go through a competitive process and need to apply via the appropriate mechanism Posts are usually only advertised for two weeks Usually require an achievement oriented CV/P-11 If short-listed, candidates will be subject to a competency-based interview and candidates will be required or Personal History form (P11) All candidates subject to academic and reference checks Usually takes 2 – 3 months to be recruited (higher lever positions may take longer)

10 Application Process All external vacancies at UNDP are advertised on


12 Mini Workshop: - Managing My Career Holistically Qualifications EQ Opportunity Scans Job Satisfiers Competencies Reputation Management NetworkingDocuments Values MomentumLuck Your Career

13 13 Work for Development ! Thank you

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