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Training Beginning and End V.Vijay Anand Sriram. Training Defined By Training for a short period you cannot immediately move mountain,drink ocean, eat.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Beginning and End V.Vijay Anand Sriram. Training Defined By Training for a short period you cannot immediately move mountain,drink ocean, eat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Beginning and End V.Vijay Anand Sriram

2 Training Defined By Training for a short period you cannot immediately move mountain,drink ocean, eat sun,but definitely -you can think If you can, you can,you can It will Happen Essence of Training is Initiating Individuals Thinking Ability Think to get Trained, Get Trained to Think V.Vijay Anand Sriram

3 Why Training  Makes you Think  Helps you to Introspect  Removes your fear  Set Goals  Personality Development  Organisational Culture Development  Change Management

4 Trainer  Teacher  Researcher  Attitude ‘+’ Developer  Initiator  Novel Thinker  Empathy Promoter  Resilient

5 Role of Trainer  Provider  Mentor  Innovator  Manager  Promoter  Reader  Doctor (Mind)

6 Characteristics of Trainer Preach what you Practice,Practice what you Preach  Empathy  Honesty  Patience  Pace  Democracy  Purpose  Listener  Prestige  Clean Habits  Passion

7 Stages for Implementing a Training Programmes MO TNA TP E&PM Management’s Objective Training Need Analysis Training Process Evaluation & Productivity Measurement

8 TNA –Ext -Design  For Whom  What they need  Why this training  Where  How Long  Resources available  Expertise  Effective & Efficient

9 Training Need Assessment  Employee Profile Study  Job Description Study  Pre Training need analysis Questionnaire  Organizational Inputs  Pre Counseling

10 Management’s Objective  Vision  Mission  Why Training  Strategies to be communicated  Culture to be adopted  Bridging the gap

11 Training Process  Lecture  Brainstorming  Role Play  Lateral Thinking  Games  Discussions  CBT  Case Analysis  Situation Handling  Workshops  Exercises

12 Evaluation  Cost  Duration  Inputs  Quality  Standards  Satisfaction  Feed Back

13 Productivity Measurement  Culture  Work Efficiency  Motivation  Relationship  Stress  Focus  Ambiguity  Overall Personality

14 Every Coin has two sides  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction  For every positive step of yours,god will take 100 steps  If your intentions are clear Training will be real

15 Training Mantra  Create your own style  Communicate with impact  Read mind  Listen  Words from heart  Efforts should be Genuine  Be a role model  Work passion,passion work

16 Thank You  Together we grow  Suggestions sriramva@go

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