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CBT & Mental Health Year 10 Life Science. Why, then, ’tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Shakespeare.

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Presentation on theme: "CBT & Mental Health Year 10 Life Science. Why, then, ’tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Shakespeare."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBT & Mental Health Year 10 Life Science

2 Why, then, ’tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Shakespeare

3 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy  The way we think affects the way we feel which affects what we do  Can we control all events in our lives?  What can we control?

4 What can we control?  How we think about situations & consequently  How we feel about situations and what we do about them as a result



7 Unhelpful thinking styles  These can lead to us misinterpreting situations and talking very unproductively to ourselves  We can challenge unhelpful thoughts and replace them with more helpful thoughts

8 Common thinking errors

9 All or Nothing Thinking

10 Over-generalisation

11 Mind Reading

12 Fortune Telling

13 Magnification

14 Minimisation

15 Catastrophising

16 CBT strategies  When we find ourselves thinking in any one of these 7 ways, we need to tell ourselves to stop and practise some thinking strategies that will allow us to challenge these unhelpful ways of thinking  E.g. What’s the evidence I won’t do well on the test? Have I got a crystal ball?

17 Problem Solving

18 Addressing Core Beliefs

19 Ask away!

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