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Project 1 FINA 415-15B. Group of 5. Due by 18/09/2015. 2 parts. Each worth 50% of total. Need to provide 1 excel workbook for part 1 and part 2. This.

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Presentation on theme: "Project 1 FINA 415-15B. Group of 5. Due by 18/09/2015. 2 parts. Each worth 50% of total. Need to provide 1 excel workbook for part 1 and part 2. This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 1 FINA 415-15B

2 Group of 5. Due by 18/09/2015. 2 parts. Each worth 50% of total. Need to provide 1 excel workbook for part 1 and part 2. This project will help you to learn data management and interpreting regression results.

3 Part 1 Section 1: Lookup + Text functions (match, index or V/H lookup functions, etc.), IfError, Validation etc. Section2 – Pivot tables Section3 – Chart (Frequency functions, etc.)

4 Part 2 Build Hypothesis. Organise data (Remove outliers, treat missing variables etc). Calculate relevant ratios, convert variables to log values, create categorical variables. Run multivariate regression. Interpreting regression with dummy variable.

5 Report The Report should be divided in Part 1 and 2 and it should comprise at least the followings:- - Introduction - Literature review (only for Part 2) - Description of Analysis - Results - Conclusions and Recommendations - Appendices - References

6 Part 1. – Describe the functions used. – If there is an alternative approach to get the same outputs, if yes, then the reason/s for choosing the function that you have used. – Interpretation of summary statistics. – Interpretation of histogram. – A brief interpretation of the descriptive stat that you have obtained using Pivot Table and the frequency distribution. Part 2. – Describe hypothesis. – Treatment of data. – Description of your data (i.e. the ratios calculated, reasons of using log values etc.) – A literature review about interpreting dummy variables. – Interpretation of regression with dummy variable (Please read materials provided).

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