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Stewplan Free, User-Friendly Software for Forest Stewardship Plan Development An introduction to its use and usefulness DRAFT.

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Presentation on theme: "Stewplan Free, User-Friendly Software for Forest Stewardship Plan Development An introduction to its use and usefulness DRAFT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stewplan Free, User-Friendly Software for Forest Stewardship Plan Development An introduction to its use and usefulness DRAFT

2 Stewplan What is a Forest Stewardship Plan?  A Forest Stewardship Plan is a management plan for non industrial private forest land that provides the landowner with a multi-resource perspective on his/her land’s capabilities, and lays out specific tasks over a ten-year period, tied to the landowners goals and objectives.  A Forest Stewardship Plan is the management plan promoted by the Forest Stewardship Program – a Federal-State partnership that provides private forest landowners with technical and financial support to help ensure the sustainability of our nation’s private forest lands.

3 Stewplan  The goal of the Forest Stewardship program is to keep our Nation’s non-industrial private forest land in a productive, healthy condition for present and future generations.  A Forest Stewardship Plan results in an educated landowner, secure in the knowledge that the land is being well managed, and better able to make informed decisions when the time comes  Many landowners have no intention of harvesting timber – but ultimately do so

4 Stewplan Why the need for software/What does it do?  Stewardship Plans must include certain items. Stewplan leads the preparer through a stepwise process to ensure that all elements are addressed. Results in a Plan with a logical flow and an easy to follow format.

5 Stewplan Why the need for software?  Plan reviewers need to approve plans based on, among other things, their completeness. With Stewplan, each plan’s layout is identical – greatly facilitating the review process.

6 Stewplan So each plan is identical?  No, only the layout. Each plan is entirely a creation of the individual author.  The look and contents of the plan can be customized with photo’s, logos, additional elements etc., all tailored to local requirements/interests.

7 Stewplan Who is the software intended for?  All professionals who may be charged with the preparing of Stewardship Plans, and  Informed amateurs Who created the software?  USDA Forest Service Research Staff, with feedback/ input from various state and private foresters

8 Stewplan Landowner name and address Plan writer’s name and address Acreage under Stewardship Date Landowner’s goals and supporting stand objectives General property description List of known Threatened and Endangered species Soils information Map of Property Boundaries Discussion of known Cultural Heritage resources Description of Stands by cover type and size Description of dominant vegetation Discussion of water quality in relation to proposed actions Schedule for completion of recommended activities (minimum of 5 years) What things must a Stewardship Plan Include?

9 Stewplan – Opening Screen

10 Stewplan – Directions/Access

11 Stewplan – Property Description



14 Stewplan Help: Contents

15 Stewplan Help: Index

16 Stewplan Help: F1

17 Stewplan – Site Information

18 Stewplan – Landowner Goals








26 Stewplan – Stands

27 Stewplan - Stands











38 Stewplan - Plan

39 Stewplan Summary Table




43 Stewplan – Saving/Formatting Stewplan  Useful for those who are happy with the plan “as is” and do not anticipate the need for formatting changes Text  Useful for those who want to modify format and do not have “modern” wordprocessing software (loses much of the original formatting) HTML  Saving in this format, and then opening with MSWord gives you a file that retains the original formatting, but allows for changes, additions, etc.

44 Stewplan - Customizing My State/Company uses logos and includes additional information in their plans … Can I add supplemental info?

45 Stewplan System Requirements?  Windows 95 or better  Not Mac friendly – F (but can be made to work with SoftWindows)

46 Stewplan Where can I get a copy of the software? 

47 Stewplan What other free tools are available? The same website (previous slide) offers the following downloadable programs:  Forest Stewardship Planning Guide F Non-technical - Helps Landowners think through their goals for their land  NED/SIPS F Stand Inventory Processor and Simulator, DOS based  NEWILD F New England Wildlife Database - Correlates animal species with habitats, extensive references  NED 1 F Forest Inventory Software and More (Analyzes multiple resources, Links to GIS and visualization)

48 Stewplan – The Finished Plan So - What does the finished plan look like? Lets take a look

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