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The executive summary.

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1 The executive summary

2 What is the executive summary?
An executive summary is a thumbnail sketch of the business plan

3 What is the executive summary?
An executive summary, sometimes known as a management summary, is a short document or section of a document, produced for business purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. 

4 The primary purpose of the executive summary is to present the information contained in the financing proposal and business plan in abbreviated format

5 How to Write an Executive Summary: Why Write It?
Investors, lenders, executives, managers and CEOs are busy. Always. That means that the executive summary is an essential gateway for your business plan to get read. Think about it this way: if you had an endless list of things to do, and someone handed you an 80-page document and said "read this! you'd probably first want to know why.

6 How to Write an Executive Summary: The Nuts and Bolts
There is no set structure for an executive summary, but there are guidelines you must follow to ensure your business plan or investment proposal gets the attention it deserves. First, think about your core strengths. Use bullet points to present your ideas, and make sure you always use concise language.

7 Information needed to prepare the executive summary
The firm’s basic business How business is or will conducted? The firm’s success thus far, if applicable or a forecast of intended quantifiable success The intended market for the firm’s product and the sales potential How and why the firm can penetrate this market The competitive or marketing advantage the firm has over competition The resourses and amount of financing needed to implement the business plan

8 Addressing these questions when writing your executive summary:
  Do you have a unique partnership? Do you already have customers and traction? Do you have patents or technology? Is your marketing plan special in a certain way?

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