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Presentation on theme: "ΤΩ ΞΙΦΕΙ ΤΟΝ ΔΕΣΜΟΝ ΛΕΛΥΣΘΑΙ"— Presentation transcript:

NATO RAPID DEPLOYABLE CORPS - GREECE ΤΩ ΞΙΦΕΙ ΤΟΝ ΔΕΣΜΟΝ ΛΕΛΥΣΘΑΙ 15’ Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen. My presentation concerning Comprehensive Approach in NATO Operations will last approximately 15’ and it is classified as NATO Unclassified. “COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH’’ Col Dimitrios Grousouzakos 1

2 CA Introduction 6 Questions+ 6 Answers=Comprehensive Approach Why What
There are 6 answers to 6 questions describing the concept of the Comprehensive Approach to Operations from a NATO perspective: The Why, the what, the who the how the when and finally the where. Why What Where CA Who When How

3 Why Changing Global Development – Challenging Strategic Environment
Three key factors led to the development of the idea of a Comprehensive Approach to Operations: First is the changing global development and challenging strategic environment. We had to take into consideration that peace, security and development are more interconnected now than ever before. Second: In today’s security, new risks and threats are less defined, more diffuse and potentially more dangerous than even a decade ago. How does “success” look like today and tomorrow? Certainly it is not planting one’s flag on another’s territory and declaring “victory” anymore. As a result, NATO has conducted and is conducting broader missions and operations in a worldwide framework. Third is the fact that we all – citizens and populations as well as political leaders and military commanders, civil authorities and economy managers – are living in a much different world. This world requires many different ways and distinct means to face the complex challenges of the 21st century. Changing Global Development – Challenging Strategic Environment New Risks and Threats – Broader Missions and Operations Different World – Different Ways -Distinct Means

4 Psychologist Abraham Maslow
Why To put it in another s way: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. But not every damage and each problem can be fixed with the “good old” hammer-nail-combination: What we need is a complete tool box and a comprehensive user’s manual. To put it short: We have to expand beyond the “military hammer”! *A. Maslow ( ) was son of Jewish immigrants from Russia If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail” Psychologist Abraham Maslow

5 General Sir Gerald Templer
Why Or moreover from a military perspective “The shooting side of the business is only 25% of the trouble and the other 75% lies in getting the people of this country behind us” General Sir Gerald Templer Malaya 1952

6 Why Conflict Prevention and Crisis Resolution
Due to some of the historical events, NATO has analysed the future challenges posed by the emergence of asymmetric threats and begun to recognise the need for involvement in roles such as Conflict Prevention and Crisis Resolution as well Peacekeeping, Humanitarian Operations and Disaster Relief In addition current missions and operations of the Alliance are showing a fast growing need to engage in Stabilization Activities and military support to Reconstruction Efforts. To ensure success in these new missions, NATO recognises that it must adopt new ways of thinking, and that military ways and means need to be synchronised with the political, civil and economic instruments of [the] Alliance [Nations’] power. Conflict Prevention and Crisis Resolution Peace keeping – Humanitarian Operations – Disaster Relief Stabilisation Activities and [Military Support to] Reconstruction Efforts Alliance Nations’ Instruments of Power Political Military Civil Economic

7 Riga Summit Declaration 29 Nov 06
Why Riga Summit Declaration 29 Nov 06 NATO officially announced its decision to proceed in a Comprehensive Approach in Operations during the Riga Summit in 2006 where the Declaration states: There can be no security in Afghanistan without development, and no development without security.” (Para. 6) Experience in Afghanistan and Kosovo demonstrates that today’s challenges require a comprehensive approach by the international community involving a wide spectrum of civil and military instruments, while fully respecting mandates and autonomy of decisions of all actors, and provides precedents for this approach. (Para. 10) No security = No development in Afghanistan (Para 6) Today requires a comprehensive approach by the international community (Para 10)

8 Why I assume that the Head of the States thought that Without the application of the CA in Operations the situation would look like this due to interaction of all the participants in it

9 What Definition A Comprehensive Approach is a means to ensure a coordinated and coherent response to a crisis by all actors involved. And so the Alliance came to a definition of the Comprehensive Approach which is a means to ensure a coordinated and coherent response to a crisis by all actors involved.

10 What Three Aspects Improving crisis management instruments
Improving Alliance’s practical co-operation at all levels Enhancing NATO’s ability to bring military support to stabilisation operations and reconstruction efforts in all phases of a conflict From an Alliance perspective, there are essentially three aspects to underpin (NATO’s contribution to) a Comprehensive Approach: Improving the coherent application of Alliance’s own crisis management instruments, including its military and political planning procedures; Improving the Alliance’s practical co-operation at all level with partners, the United Nations and other relevant international organisations, non-governmental organisations and local actors in the planning and conduct of operations; and Enhancing NATO’s ability to bring military support to stabilisation operations and reconstruction efforts in all phases of a conflict. This aspect will aim at focusing on the operational implications of this endeavour[, taking fully into account relevant work undertaken by the NATO Military Authorities.]

11 Who Nations-International Organizations -Local Actors Two points
“…NATO cannot deliver this Comprehensive Approach all on its own …” “… it is not NATO that can lead this effort: that is the United Nations’ role…” Who are the players in this game? Nations, Partners, International Governmental / Non-Governmental Organizations including NATO and UN, and local actors There are two crucial points in the WHO Answer: The first is that NATO cannot do the job by its own and the second is that NATO will not lead that effort. This is UN’s responsibility NATO Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, at the GLOBSEC Conference 17 Jan 2008

12 How 4 Main Strands Planning and Conduct of Operations
Lessons Learned, Training and Exercises Enhancing Cooperation with External Actors Public Messaging The discussion of the “Proposals to develop and implement NATO’s contribution to a Comprehensive Approach” has already identified four main strands: Planning and Conduct of Operations Lessons Learned, Training, Education and Exercises Enhancing Cooperation with External Actors Public Messaging

13 Planning and Conduct of Operations (Samples)
How Planning and Conduct of Operations (Samples) Adjust NATO’s operational planning procedures Support other international actors Develop and discuss with other international actors proposals to engage the local actors Compile a list of national experts & liaise with expert international organizations Let me give you some samples of these four strands Firstly for Planning and Conducting Operations NATO had to Adjust NATO’s operational planning procedures to reflect the requirements of a Comprehensive Approach and develop options for a more effective use of the NATO Crisis Response System, as a vehicle to draw together the various aspects of NATO crisis management and associated procedures in the lifespan of an operation; Develop options to support, upon request, the operational planning of other international actors involved on the ground, and exchange officers on a temporary basis to support such assistance; Develop and discuss with other international actors proposals to fully and continually engage the local actors, where possible, in the preparations and the conduct of an overall agreed plan for the resolution of a crisis, drawing upon experience from existing models. Compile a list of national experts in the political, reconstruction and stabilisation and media fields, to advise NATO forces on fulfilling their tasks and liaise with those international organisations that are competent in these fields.

14 Lessons Learned, Training and Exercises (Samples)
How Lessons Learned, Training and Exercises (Samples) Internal Training External Training with the others actors Active participation of other international actors in NATO’s crisis management exercises Training also plays a vital role in order to achieve a better interaction and coordination on the ground as the need for operations arises among NATO, its partners, other international and local actors. To this end NATO developed : Options for ensuring adequate and effectively trained staff within NATO Headquarters who are competent to contribute to a Comprehensive Approach, by jointly training civilian and military personnel; Proposals for enhancing external training opportunities for civilian and military personnel from Allied, partner and contact countries, local authorities and civilian and military staffs of NATO, other IOs and NGOs, with particular focus on planning of operations, lessons learned, sharing of best practices; Proposals for active participation of other international actors in NATO’s crisis management exercises, and subsequently assess the feasibility of joint exercises relevant to our operations.

15 How Enhancing Cooperation with External Actors (Samples)
While respecting the autonomy of each organisation, coherence in operations necessitates extensive civil-military interaction, which requires continuous engagement with the UN, other IOs, NGOs and relevant local bodies. So NATO in order to improve co-operation: Calls for regular consultative seminars and conferences on the broad context of operations with the participation of local actors, partners, non-governmental actors and other international actors Strengthens contacts between the SG and the heads of other relevant international actors, through regular meetings; Improves liaison with the UN and EU starting with a review of the activities of the existing liaison teams (NATO Permanent Liaison Team at the MS and the permanent EU cell at SHAPE) Conducts regular staff talks, in flexible formats, with the international organisations involved in the same theatres of operation; Exchanges regularly early warning and assessment information with international actors; To improve co-operation Call for regular consultative seminars &conferences Regular meetings NATO SG/ Heads of International Actors Improves Liaison with UN & EU Conducts regular staff talks Exchanges regularly early warning and assessment information

16 How Public Messaging (Samples)
To secure the success of NATO operations, the Alliance has to reinforce its public message of commitment to working with players involved, in support of the overall international efforts in an operation. To that end: Substantiate these efforts by systematic and updated information, documenting progress in relevant areas; Share information strategies and campaigns regularly to ensure complementarity and mutual reinforcement with other involved international organisations, and local actors starting in Afghanistan and Kosovo; Reinforce the NATO media operations capability by ensuring comprehensive communications coordination between Media Operations Centre at NATO HQ, as long as the operations last, Troop Contributing Nations and the NATO Military Authorities. (In addition, facilitate greater coherence in messaging between the local authorities and the international community. [And] Optimise the availability and capacity to use multi-media technology for the gathering and distribution of mission-related content and imagery to local and international audiences. ) In order to reinforce its public message of commitment to working with players involved: Substantiate the overall international efforts Share information strategies and campaigns Reinforce the NATO media operations capability

17 When Operational Spectrum
It is obvious that during the “war fighting” stage military power will play a major role. But during the further development of the resolution of a crisis – on this slide called: “security”, “stabilisation” and “reconstruction” other powers’ will provide key roles along with the continuing but – in quantity terms - decreasing requirement for military capabilities. In any case during operations there is a gradually interaction among all actors. Level of Involvement Warfighting Security Stabilisation Reconstruction

18 Where Three Levels Strategic level Operational level Tactical level
In order to implement NATO’s engagement, interaction will take place at three levels: NATO headquarters focuses on building confidence and mutual understanding between international actors including developing modalities for better cooperation. At the operational level, the priority is to cooperate with other international actors in the overall assessment and awareness of threats and conflicts, the planning and conduct of complex operations in which a large degree of civil-military interaction will be required in order to establish trust and mutual understanding At the tactical level, NATO force commanders must be empowered to undertake effective cooperation and coordination with indigenous local authorities and principles from other international actors in the execution of operations in accordance with directive and guidance given by SACEUR.

19 Conclusion Conclusion Ladies and gentlemen, concluding I would like to summarise this briefing: The Comprehensive Approach is about how to contact, to communicate and to consult as well as to coordinate, to collaborate and to cooperate with Nations, Partners, International / Governmental / Non-Governmental Organizations, and local actors through internal improvements within the Alliance itself (Conflict Prevention and Crisis Resolution, Stabilisation Activities and Reconstruction Efforts) and external relationships between NATO and other involved and engaged actors in ongoing and future missions and operations. The Comprehensive Approach is about sharing common interests and using available and appropriate instruments of power of different actors in a complementary manner – ultimately for their mutual benefit or as a minimum to de-conflict distinct actions and activities, engagements and end states. The Comprehensive Approach is to contact, to communicate and to consult as well as to coordinate, to collaborate and to cooperate with Nations Partners, International / Governmental / Non-Governmental Organizations, and local actors through internal improvements within the Alliance and external relationships between NATO and other involved and/or engaged actors ultimately for their mutual benefit or as a minimum to de-conflict actions and end states.

20 Conclusion Conclusion
And Finally if the CA will be applied properly in Operations, I hope that the situation will look like this And with that ladies and gentlemen I conclude my presentation


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