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2.6 Reduction of GHG emissions Energy Efficiency Design Index Tripartite – 8-9 November 2008 Pierre C. Sames Chairman IACS SG/ENV.

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1 2.6 Reduction of GHG emissions Energy Efficiency Design Index Tripartite – 8-9 November 2008 Pierre C. Sames Chairman IACS SG/ENV

2 Tripartite Beijing - 2008-11-08 and -092 Introduction The debate at MEPC 58 WG on GHG emissions focused on technical issues and the design index for new ships was refined. This statement only addresses items related to the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). The formulation for the EEDI was refined and new terms for auxiliary power and “energy-saving devices” were introduced. In addition, an ice-strengthening correction factor was agreed but not finalised.

3 Tripartite Beijing - 2008-11-08 and -093 Issues to be considered for the further development of the EEDI (1/2) The auxiliary power formulation was simplified – only normal seaload for running main propulsion – all cargo-related auxiliary power excluded IACS welcomes the simplification of the design index formula. But: – Is this new formulation for auxiliary power still in line with the intention to capture all energy consumers on board? – Is the simplified formulation for auxiliary power is accurate enough (for all ship types considered)? – Is the simplified formulation consistent with formulations for other installed power?

4 Tripartite Beijing - 2008-11-08 and -094 Issues to be considered for the further development of the EEDI (2/2) New terms related to shaft motors, waste-heat recovery and innovative energy efficient technology are suitable to correct the design index value. IACS is concerned about the verification of the availability factor, because: – it depends on operational usage – it also depends on conditions which are not known during the design stage The correction factor(s) related to ice-strengthening are based on submissions by Finland & Canada. IACS suggests exploring the use of existing ice- class rating as a possible input parameter to determine the ice-strengthening correction factor.

5 Tripartite Beijing - 2008-11-08 and -095 Safety issues to be considered the further development of the EEDI With an EEDI implemented, IACS is concerned that installed main engine power might be reduced to a minimum. – On one hand, this is exactly what society at large expects from making ships ever more efficient. – On the other hand, built-in reserves which may have helped preventing accidents in the past might be reduced or eliminated. In situations where ships are voluntarily designed and built with reserves such as – redundant propulsion – and additional margins such as hull strengthening, IACS recommends that such reserves and margins are credited and appropriate correction factors are included in the EEDI to take account of these.

6 Tripartite Beijing - 2008-11-08 and -096 Conclusions IACS continues contributing to the development of the EEDI through – advising industry and flag state administrations – own submission(s) with focus on safety impacts and verification issues of the envisaged instrument

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