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Computational Linguistics @ UIUC Roxana Girju Student Orientation August 22, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Computational Linguistics @ UIUC Roxana Girju Student Orientation August 22, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational Linguistics @ UIUC
Roxana Girju Student Orientation August 22, 2013

2 Computational Linguistics  Artificial Intelligence
Goal: to understand the nature of intelligence, to engineer systems that exhibit intelligence. AI labs: Build systems / robots that mimic the human behavior / mind. MIT lab: vision, robotics, and natural language processing – keys to understand intelligence UIUC: NLP/CL, speech recognition, computer vision;

3 What is Computational Linguistics?
area concerned with the creation of computer systems for the purpose of performing various NL tasks: Reading/writing a book Holding a conversation Machine Translation Searching for useful and hidden information BUT.. also an area in which computer systems are used to give insights into complex language issues Computational models of psycholinguistic processes Computational models of historical development Models of language acquisition Insights into second-language learning plays an increasing role in curbing the information on the Internet.

4 Computational Linguistics @ Ling/UIUC
People: Jennifer Cole Phonology, speech processing, cognitive science, and mathematical linguistics Roxana Girju – Computational Linguistics & Natural Language Processing Computational semantics & pragmatics, textual entailment, machine translation, question answering, computational cognitive models / social computing, social media. Mark Hasegawa-Johnson (ECE) Automatic speech recognition; pronunciation variability; prosody. Julia Hockenmaier - Computational Linguistics & Natural Language Processing (CS) computationally tractable grammars for wide-coverage parsing; interface between natural language and vision. Dan Roth – Computational Linguistics & Natural Language Processing (CS) machine learning and inference methods; disambiguation, shallow parsing, semantic role labeling, co-reference, question answering and textual entailment. Chilin Shih – Asian studies & Corpus Linguistics

5 Why Study Computational Linguistics?
To get a job in industry e.g., many current job listings are CL jobs Google Inc. Amazon Inc. 7 Inc., etc. To get a job in academia: As a computational linguist computational literacy and an understanding of computational methods will become critical in the next decade.

6 Semantic Frontiers Group
(Beckman #2043) Our goal is to investigate computational natural language semantic and pragmatic models for intelligent information access. We work on key applications of human language technology: Machine Translation, Discourse Processing, Semantics and Tagging, Social Media, Biomedical information Extraction, and Automatic Question Answering. And more !

7 Semantic Frontiers Group
Some recent computational projects: “Multi-dialect phrase-based speech recognition and machine translation for Qatari broadcast TV”. National Priorities Research Program (NPRP), Qatar National Research Fund, with M. Hasegawa-Johnson, E. Benmamaoun, Rehab Duwairi, Eiman Mustafawi Students: Chen Li, Rania Al-Sabbah “Assess-As-You-Go Writing Assistant”. The US Department of Education with a large group from Dept. of Education and CS Students: David Lundgren “A Text-to-Scene Conversion and Visualization System for Car Accident Reports” State Farm Students: Chen Li, Brandon Beamer, Rania Al-Sabbagh “Image-to-text conversion for large image search” Google Inc.

8 CL: Courses Offered LING402 Tools and Techniques for Speech and Language Processing LING270 Language, Technology and Society LING406 Introduction to Computational Linguistics LING591 – Special Topics in Computational Linguistics.

LSP is a multidisciplinary program for doctoral students with an interest in speech and language processing technology. Is open to students who are pursuing a Ph.D. in the Departments of Linguistics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. students would earn a Certificate of Advanced Study in Language and Speech Processing, in addition to the Ph.D. students will take courses from a specified list, and work with a program-affiliated faculty member; faculty members affiliated with the program have appointments in one or more of the following departments: Linguistics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Library and Information Sciences.

10 Thank you! For more information: Roxana Girju,

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