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When processing is cheaper than transmitting Daniel V Uhlig Maryam Rahmaniheris 1.

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Presentation on theme: "When processing is cheaper than transmitting Daniel V Uhlig Maryam Rahmaniheris 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 When processing is cheaper than transmitting Daniel V Uhlig Maryam Rahmaniheris 1

2  How to gather interesting data from thousands of Motes? Tens to thousands of motes Unreliable individually  To collect and analyze data Long term low energy deployment Can using processing power at each Mote  Analyze local before sharing data 2

3  Transmission of data is expensive compare to CPU cycles 1Kb transmitted 100 meters = 3 million CPU instructions AA power Mote can transmit 1 message per day for about two months (assuming no other power draws) Power density is growing very slowly compared to computation power, storage, etc  Analyze and process locally, only transmitting what is required 3

4  Minimize communications ◦ Minimize broadcast/receive time ◦ Minimize message size ◦ Move computations to individual nodes  Nodes pass data in multi-hop fashion towards a root  Select connectivity so graph helps with processing  Handle faulty nodes within network 4

5 5 10 6 7 6 5 5 5

6  Max is very simple  What about Count? ◦ Need to avoid double counting due to redundant paths  What about spatial events? ◦ Need to evaluate readings across multiple sensors  Correlation between events  Failures of nodes can loose branches of the tree 6

7 Connectivity Graph – unstructured or how to structure Diffusion of requests and how to combine data Maintenance messages vs Query messages Reliability of results Load balancing – messages traffic – storage Storage costs at different nodes 7

8 S.Madden, M.Franklin, J.Hellerstein, and W.Hong Intel Research, 2002 8

9 Aggregates values in low power, distributed network Implemented on TinyOS Motes SQL like language to search for values or sets of values – Simple declarative language Energy savings Tree based methodology – Root node generates requests and dissipates down the children 9

10 Three functions to aggregate results – f (merge function) Each node runs f to combine values =f (, ) EX: =f (, ) – i (initialize function) Generates state record at lowest level of tree EX: – e (evaluator function) Root uses e to generate the final result RESULT=e, EX: SUM/COUNT Functions must be preloaded on Motes or distributed via software protocols 10

11 1 1 3 1 1 3 7 1 2 1 Count = Max via tree 11

12 All searches have different properties that affect aggregate performance Duplicate insensitive – unaffected by double counting (Max, Min) vs (Count, Average) – Restrict network properties Exemplary – return one value (Max/Min) – Sensitive to failure Summary – computation over values (Average) – Less sensitive to failure 12

13 Distributive – Partial states are the same as final state (Max) Algebraic – Partial states are of fixed size but differ from final state (Average - Sum, Count) Holistic – Partial states contain all sub-records (median) – Unique – similar to Holistic, but partial records may be smaller then holistic Content Sensitive – Size of partial records depend on content (Count Distinct) 13

14  Diffusion of requests and then collection of information  Epochs subdivided for each level to complete task ◦ Saves energy ◦ Limits rate of data flow 14

15  Snooping – Broadcast messages so others can hear messages ◦ Rejoin tree if parents have failure ◦ Listen to other broadcasts and only broadcast if its values are needed  In case of MAX, do not broadcast if peer has transmitted a higher value  Hypothesis testing – root guesses at value to minimize traffic 15

16  Theoretic results for ◦ 2500 Nodes  Savings depend on function  Duplicate Insensitive, summary best ◦ Distributive helps  Holistic is the worse 16

17 16 Mote network Count number of motes in 4 sec epochs No optimizations Quality of count is due to less radio contention in TAG Centralized used 4685 messages vs TAG’s 2330 50% reduction, but less then theoretical results – Different loss model, node placement 17

18 Loss of nodes and subtrees – Maintenance for structured connectivity Single message per node per epoch – Message size might increase at higher level nodes – Root gets overload (Does it always matter?) Epochs give a method for idling nodes – Snooping not included, timing issues 18

19  Continuous aggregation ◦ Nodes constantly passing data towards aggregation points  Root free ◦ Any node start query  Query can take different paths ◦ Balances load between nodes  What costs, advantages over TAG? 19

20 S.Nath, P.Gibbons, S.Seshan, Z.Anderson Microsoft Research, 2008 20

21  TAG ◦ Not robust against node or link failure ◦ A single node failure leads to loss of the entire sub branch's data  Synopsis Diffusion ◦ Exploiting the broadcast nature of wireless medium to enhance reliability ◦ Separating routing from aggregation ◦ The final aggregated data at the sink is independent of the underlying routing topology ◦ Synopsis diffusion can be used on top of any routing structure ◦ The order of evaluations and the number of times each data included in the result is irrelevant 21

22 Not robust against node or link failure 22 1 1 3 1 1 3 7 1 2 1 10 3 Count = 10

23  Multi-path routing ◦ Benefits  Robust  Energy-efficient ◦ Challenges  Duplicate sensitivity  Order sensitivity 1 4 7 15 2 20 23 Count = 1 3 2 58 10 23

24  A novel aggregation framework ◦ ODI synopsis: small-sized digest of the partial results  Bit-vectors  Sample  Histogram  Better aggregation topologies ◦ Multi-path routing ◦ Implicit acknowledgment ◦ Adaptive rings  Example aggregates  Performance evaluation 24

25  The exact definition of these functions depend on the particular aggregation function: ◦ SG(.)  Takes a sensor reading and generates a synopsis ◦ SF(.,.)  Takes two synopsis and generates a new one ◦ SE(.)  Translates a synopsis into the final answer 25 SG: Synopsis Generation SF: Synopsis Fusion SE: Synopsis Evaluation

26  Distribution phase ◦ The aggregate query is flooded ◦ The aggregate topology is constructed  Aggregation phase ◦ Aggregated values are routed toward Sink ◦ SG() and SF() functions are used to create partial results 26

27  The sink is in R0  A node is in Ri if it’s i hops away from sink  Nodes in Ri-1 should hear the broadcast by nodes in Ri  Loose synchronization between nodes in different rings  Each node transmits only once ◦ Energy cost same as tree 27 R3R3 R2R2 R0R0 R1R1 A B C

28  Coin tossing experiment CT(x) used in Flajolet and Martin’s Algorithm: ◦ For i=1,…,x-1: CT(x) = i with probability ◦ Simulates the behavior of the exponential hash function ◦ Synopsis: a bit vector of length k > log(n)  n is an upper bound on the number of the sensor nodes in the network ◦ SG(): a bit vector of length k with only the CT(k)th bit is set ◦ SF(): bit wise Boolean OR ◦ SE(): the index of lowest-order 0 in the bit vector= i-> 28 SG: Synopsis Generation SF: Synopsis Fusion SE: Synopsis Evaluation Magic Constant

29  The number of live sensor nodes, N, is proportional to 010000000010001000000001010000010010011000010000010010011010010010010011011011 Count 1 bits 4 29 Intuition : The probability of N nodes all failing to set the i th bit is which is approximately 0.37 when and even smaller for larger N. SG: Synopsis Generation SF: Synopsis Fusion SE: Synopsis Evaluation

30 Aggregation DAGCanonical left-deep tree SG SF r1r2r5r3r4 s SG r1r2 r3 r4 r5 SF s 30 SG: Synopsis Generation SF: Synopsis Fusion SE: Synopsis Evaluation

31 ◦ P1: SG() preserves duplicates  If two reading are considered duplicates then the same synopsis is generated ◦ P2: SF() is commutative  SF(s1, s2) = SF(s2, s1) ◦ P3: SF() is associative  SF(s1, SF(s2, s3)) = SF(SF(s1, s2), s3) ◦ P4: SF() is same-synopsis idempotent  SF(s, s) = s Theorem: Properties P1-P4 are necessary and sufficient properties for ODI-Correctness 31

32  Uniform Sample of Readings ◦ Synopsis: A sample of size K of tuples ◦ SG(): Output the tuple ◦ SF(s,s’): outputs the K tuples in s∪s’ with the K largest r i ◦ SE(s): Output the set of values val i in s ◦ Useful holistic aggregation 32 SG: Synopsis Generation SF: Synopsis Fusion SE: Synopsis Evaluation

33  Frequent Items (items occurring at least T times) ◦ Synopsis: A set of pairs, the values are unique and the weights are at least log(T) ◦ SG(): Compute CT(k) where k>log(n) and call this weight and if it’s at least log(T) output ◦ SF(s,s’): For each distinct value discard all but the pair with maximum weight. Output the remaining pairs. ◦ SE(s): Output for each pair in s as a frequent value and its approximate count ◦ Intuition: A value occurring at least T time is expected to have at least one of its calls to CT() return at least log(T)  p=1/T 33 SG: Synopsis Generation SF: Synopsis Fusion SE: Synopsis Evaluation

34  Communication error ◦ 1-Percent contributing ◦ h: height of DAG ◦ k: the number of neighbors each nodes has ◦ p: probability of loss ◦ The overall communication error upper bound: ◦ If p=0.1, h=10 then the error is negligible with k=3  Approximation error ◦ Introduced by SG(), SF(), and SE() functions ◦ Theorem 2: any approximation error guarantees provided for the centralized data stream scenario immediately applies to a synopsis diffusion algorithm, as long as the data stream synopsis is ODI-correct. 34

35  Implicit acknowledgement provided by ODI synopses ◦ Retransmission  High energy cost and delay ◦ Adapting the topology  When the number of times a node’s transmission is included in the parents transmission is below a threshold  Assigning the node to a ring that can have a good number of parents  Assign a node in ring i with probability p to :  Ring i +1 If  ni > ni-1  ni+1 > ni -1 and ni+2 > ni  Ring i -1 If  ni-2 > ni-1  ni-1 ni 35

36 RingsAdaptive Rings 36

37  The algorithms are implemented in TAG simulator  600 sensors deployed randomly in a 20 ft * 20 ft grid  The query node is in the center  Loss probabilities are assigned based of the distance between nodes 37

38 RMS Error% Value Included 38

39  Pros ◦ High reliability and robustness ◦ More accurate answers ◦ Implicit acknowledgment ◦ Dynamic topology adaptation ◦ Moderately affected by mobility  Cons ◦ Approximation error ◦ Low node density decreases the benefits ◦ The fusion functions should be defined for each aggregation function ◦ Increased message size 39

40  Is there any benefit in coupling routing with aggregation? ◦ Choosing the paths and finding the optimal aggregation points ◦ Routing the sensed data along a longer path to maximize aggregation ◦ Finding the optimal routing structure  Considering energy cost of links  NP-Complete  Heuristics (Greedy Incremental)  Considering data correlation in the aggregation process ◦ Spatial ◦ Temporal  Defining a threshold  TiNA 40

41  Could energy saving gained by aggregation be outweighed by the cost of it? ◦ Aggregation function cost  Storage cost  Computation cost (Number of CPU cycles)  No mobility ◦ Static aggregation tree  Structure-less or structured? That is the question… ◦ Continuous ◦ On-demand 41

42  Transmitting large amounts of data on the internet is slow ◦ Better to process locally and transmit the interesting parts only 42

43  How does query rate affect design decisions?  Load balancing between levels of the tree ◦ Overload root and main nodes  How will video capabilities of Imote affect aggregation models? 43

44 44

45  Query can originate at any node, not just the root  Histogram data so different levels of the tree hold different details of data. ◦ Child hold wider range/smaller area ◦ Parents hold smaller range / wider area 45

46  Avoid bottlenecks ◦ Queue can originate anywhere  Avoid overload the one root node ◦ Different nodes can answer different questions quickly  Must constantly aggregating data 46

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